Discover The "Secret" 5th Pillar...

… and why the next 8 minutes and 35 seconds could mean the difference between entrepreneurial success and crushing failure for your coaching business

(watch the short video above, and you'll see EXACTLY what I mean)

Dear Fellow Coach

Congratulations on completing The 4 Pillars of Mastery™ 28-Day Challenge.

Now you’re about to discover the “secret” 5th Pillar…

… and it brings a great moment of truth for you.

It lays down several Challenges.

Just how much have you not only grasped the profoundly powerful principles in The 4 Pillars of Mastery™ but…

… how much are you willing to live into them?

To develop the owner not the business…

… to influence at cause not effect…

… to focus on potential not performance…

… and make decisions based on the why not the how.

It all comes together in this “secret” 5th Pillar.

The second challenges asks:

What kind of coach do you choose to be?

Are you the coach who invests in your own growth…

… who understands how vital it is to “walk your talk” and be a “product of the product”…

… to have your own coach and mentors?

After all, why should anyone invest in you and your coaching services if you’re not investing in you with your own coach?

There are plenty of charlatans, imposters and fraudsters in the coaching industry who don’t.

Then there’s what kind of business owner do you choose to be?

Because it doesn’t matter what kind of economy we’re in – tough times for not – an undeniable reality about running your own business is it’s hard.

Not only that, but it can be lonely, too.

Taking total responsibility for finding prospects to convert to clients to put food on the table… to put clothes on your back and those of your family… as well as keeping the roof over your head…

… it takes its toll…

… and that’s before the pressure of creating enough profit in your business to move beyond the basic necessities of life.

Running your own business in the coaching industry shouldn’t be about just getting by. It shouldn’t about just earning a living and owning a job…

… your business should be creating enough profit so you can make far better choices and enjoy the kind of success most aspire to – yet never reach.

So why do the vast majority of Coaches struggle?

Why do 99% of coaches fail to get a consistent flow of business, or trade time for money on the feast-to-famine Rollercoaster – earning at best no more than they would in a job working for someone else, with less stress, less hassle and fewer headaches?

Here’s why:

Simply put, their priorities are the wrong way around.

They put most if not all of their focus and effort on the least important stuff…

… habitual activities they do day-in, day-out …

… activities which come easy because they’re comfortable yet do nothing to improve results…

… and they ignore or de-prioritise what’s fundamental to their success.

They don’t get around people – on a frequent and regular basis – who can help them think into far better results and much greater success.

They don’t have a coach improving the quality of thinking they’re bringing to their business and personal life.

They don’t have mentors who share wisdom and experience to accelerate success.

And they pay little to no attention to the quality of people they surround themselves with…

… even though every successful person, in any walk of life, has, without exception, gone on record to say one of the major difference-makers between the years of struggle and the outstanding success they now enjoy…

… was the day they finally understood how much the quality of their inner circle impacted success or failure in business and life.

You can't afford to ignore truth at this level

Not if your business is to thrive and flourish… and you’re to avoid the increasing commoditisation of the coaching industry.

And you can’t afford to ignore the truth that your business – and the quality of life it brings – can never outgrow the quality of thinking you bring to it.

That’s why this 5th Pillar – and the time-sensitive opportunity it brings you – is so priceless.

Some years ago my inbox revealed a desire I couldn’t fulfil.Every day I had a coach asking me to be their coach. I just didn’t have the ability to service the need because of the volume.

To solve the problem, while at the same time solving the quality of inner circle conundrum, I created my Entrepreneurial Mastery Inner Circle™.

This is where you get unprecedented access to me, my coaching ability, and my mentorship.

It's ALL about constant and frequent access to support and expertise

You must know how vital that is.

And you must believe it – to your core – otherwise you’re in the wrong business.

You’ve experience just a fraction of the value of my coaching and mentorship within the 4 Pillars of Mastery 28-Day Challenge…

… imagine what you and your business could do with me as a thinking partner on a permanent and regular basis.

And if that’s not enough, every so often I bring in some of the experts I use to grow my business to grow yours…

… as well the highly successful entrepreneurs and coaches in my Elite Mastermind community…

… people who’ve also built very successful 7-figure businesses.

Imagine what this will do for you and your business

Look, here’s some entrepreneurial truths about life in the Coaching industry you’d be a fool to ignore:

  • If you’re trying to make it on your own, you’re a train wreck waiting to happen. If the best your business can hope for is you and your thinking, you’re not an asset to your business – you’re its greatest liability. You’re chronically limiting your business and in time you’ll take it down with you.
  • If you network and surround yourself with “typical”, “average”, “normal” “everyday” underachieving and mediocre Coaches… you’ll continue to get EXACTLY what they’re getting. The quality of your inner circle will determine your level of success– you are the average of the people you spend most of your time with
  • If you DON’T have access to mentors – highly successful Coaches and entrepreneurs who are above your existing “pay grade” and “much further down the pavement” than you… and so model their success, draw from their experience, and avoid the costly mistakes they’ve made on the way to their success… you are at a major disadvantage in today’s economy
  • And if you DON’T have direct access to highly skilled coaching to unlock profit boosting and wealth generating ideas… and thus allow yourself to unleash a higher level of creativity and elevate your thinking way beyond your existing conditions and circumstances… you’re going backwards.

And the sad thing is, no matter how hard you work at it, grinding out the same old back-breaking work, you’ll never see the results you yearn for until you change what you’re doing and the way you’re doing it.

But if you WILL change…

… then everything will change for you.

How about it?

Are you ready to change?

Because if you are, then I have some good news for you.


The Entrepreneurial Mastery Inner Circle™

Entrepreneurial Mastery Inner Circle™ is a unique community of like-minded, growth-orientated, success-driven business owners who get to benefit from a powerful and proven entrepreneurial success support and learning system.

There is NOTHING like Entrepreneurial Mastery Inner Circle™ anywhere in the marketplace.

Where else can you get direct access to world-class coaching on a frequent and regular basis to dramatically improve your results?

Where else can you get direct access to a diverse panel of successful business mentors who’ve “been there and done it” in entrepreneurial life so you can leverage their knowledge, wisdom and experience to identify solutions to your most pressing challenges and massively accelerate your success?
And there’s more…a LOT more.

And in a moment I’ll share it….

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…but first, I want to put you off if I possibly can, because the Entrepreneurial Mastery Inner Circle™ is NOT for everyone.


Well, for a start, this opportunity requires you to back yourself as a future winner — to make a modest but important and telling investment in your greatest asset — YOU.

Most Coaches aren’t willing to do that, and so they inevitably recreate results they DON’T want rather than creating the success they envy others having.

Let me be crystal clear: if you’re NOT willing to invest time and money in improving yourself as a business owner… then what I’m about to share isn’t for you and reading this will be a waste of your time.

I’m ruthless about the quality of person I collaborate with.

I love my work and I don’t allow anyone to rain on that parade. I’m constantly filtering my entrepreneurial community and I remove hundreds of people every month.

So this is NOT an opportunity for “typical”, “normal” “average” or “mediocre” Coaches, and it’s not for “dabblers”, “wannabes”, non-starters, also-rans, or anyone who isn’t willing to do what it takes grow a highly profitable business and transform their personal and business lives for the better.

What’s more, this message is definitely NOT for you if:

  • You believe this – or anything else for that matter, is going to work for you without you putting any any effort in. If you think that, I can’t help you. There are thousands, perhaps tens of thousands of charlatans, cheats, snake-oil salesmen and self-appointed “gurus” in the world who will gladly help you dispense of your hard-earned cash and sell you on hope, especially in the current economy. I’m not one of them.

    What I am is a plain speaking, direct and upfront bloke who walks his talk and delivers on what he promises – EVERY time. And you joining Entrepreneurial Mastery Inner Circle™ means you’re significantly “upping your game”. The Entrepreneurial Mastery Inner Circle™ is no place for life’s “passengers”.

    EMIC is about leveraging the power of your mind and the collective wisdom of others AND then implementing at a much higher level in your business and your personal life.

    If the idea of working harder at being smarter puts you off, then don’t even think about joining us because you’re not ready for this or the success it’s proven to bring.
  • You’re not serious about growing your business AND improving your quality of life. Yes you can expect to enjoy significant and lasting business growth by membership of Entrepreneurial Mastery Inner Circle™. Plenty of others have made it happen so why shouldn’t you?

    You’ll be exposed to eye-opening information and expertise to improve every aspect of your life, including a plethora of proven business building strategies, BUT if you’re idea of success is to be consumed by your business in order to fill your bank account at the expense of your health, relationships and any other aspect of life you value – then you can stop right here, because I’m NOT the Coach and mentor for you, and you WON’T fit in EMIC.
  • You’re timid, faint-hearted, shy and not willing to face the reality of yourself and your business. The biggest threat to your current and future success is you. Outside of EMIC you are your businesses greatest liability.

    Inside, you’re its greatest asset. And in Entrepreneurial Mastery Inner Circle™ you’ll be expected to come forward in the regular Group Coaching and Mentoring Events to ask questions and enter into a coaching conversation with me. This is where I help you to think at a much higher level, so you can overcome the challenges and obstacles currently getting in the way of greater success in your business and personal life.

    But I can’t help you if you can’t be honest with yourself and don’t come forward – and you can be assured of this, if I sense you’re selling out on yourself at any level, I’ll call you out on it. Coaching is a rigorous and challenging process, and EMIC is not for delicate, precious “wall-flowers” or those too delicate to grow from robust, thought-provoking conversations.

So, if you’re still with me, then it tells me you’re serious about wanting to significantly grow as an individual and enjoy substantial and significant improvements in your business and personal life as a consequence – and you’re willing to knuckle down, think differently and do what needs to be down to make it happen.


… it tells you’re exactly the kind of person I enjoy working with.


My proposition to you today...

If… you are serious about your business growth and personal success, and you’re willing to be open minded enough to new ideas and a very different way of thinking – many of which will be counter intuitive and may even con­tra­dict what you’ve learned, assumed and believed to be true about yourself, your potential, your business, what creates success and how to mar­ket­ your business intelligently and profitably…

And… you’re willing to join me, in person, in the live Group Coaching and Mentoring events taking place every week…

… PLUS you’ll relentlessly take advan­tage of the frankly unprece­dented lev­els of personal access you get to me. my team of experts, and the Elite Coaches in my Elite Mastermind™ community in the EMIC Discussion Group (not to mention the incredible support and assistance from everyone else in this unique entrepreneurial success community)…

Then…please accept this warm and personal invitation to join me in Entrepreneurial Mastery Inner Circle™ — a unique and powerful group of like-minded men and women determined to own extraordinarily successful coaching businesses and enjoy very successful lives as a consequence.

Here's just SOME of the exclusive benefits you'll enjoy as a member of Entrepreneurial Mastery Inner Circle™

  1. 4 x 2-Hour Live Group Coaching and Mentoring Events EVERY month (aside from public holidays). Taking place every Monday, at 4pm UK time, you’ll have unprecedented, personal access to me to ask any question and receive both coaching and mentoring in return. A world-class coach continually on tap for you and your business.

    Not only that, you’ll have world-class coaching from the Head of my Coaching Faculty, plus the opportunity to plug into the knowledge, wisdom and experience of the leading experts I pay to help me and my business grow… AND the very successful Elite Coaches and business owners who form part of my Entrepreneurial Elite Inner Circle™ (my own private mastermind group) and Elite Mastermind™ community.

    PLUS you’ll also have the very rare and incredibly powerful benefit of observational learning. This where you have the unique opportunity to listen to the goals, aspirations and challenges of other like-minded, success-focused business owners as they interact in a coaching and mentoring process.

    Here’s why it’s so powerful: you’ll pick up an endless amount of ideas, solutions and best practice from it. We may all have very different businesses and very different aspirations, but what stops us reaching our potential and achieving those aspirations is universal. Believe me, I know . Thousands of hours coaching over the past two decades has given me that awareness.

    Every session is recorded – you’ll get a link to listen back to the Event shortly after the session ends – so if you do miss the live interaction, you won’t miss any of the powerful insight that comes from observational learning.

  2. Access to the exclusive Entrepreneurial Mastery Inner Circle Discussion Group. This is where you interact, day in day out, with other like-minded, success-focused business owners in the group. Entrepreneurial Mastery Inner Circle™ is a powerful self and business growth environment, where members bounce ideas of each other, discuss breakthroughs, get help on challenges, build relationships, share opportunities for collaboration and joint ventures, support each other in their business growth and personal success objectives, and discuss points raised in the live Group Coaching & Mentoring and Guest Mentoring sessions.

    PLUS it’s also the only place where, unless you’re a member of my high-end entrepreneurial mastermind (Entrepreneurial Elite Inner Circle™), you can email me and get a full and frank answer to help you overcome whatever’s getting in the way of your growth objectives in-between our regular, in-person interactive sessions.

    And I assure you of this – Entrepreneurial Mastery Inner Circle™ will be a treasure trove of business-building and life-enhancing ideas and insight. I’d strongly advise you set up a folder in your mail client just for the nuggets of wisdom you’ll get from this experience – I know, from personal experience, it becomes a library of success strategies and tips to continually reference as you move forward.

  3. The Naked Coach bulletin. A stunning and entirely unique, 16-page colour publication delivered-to-your-door every month packed to the hilt with powerful articles from leading experts and the team of Elite Mentors. It’s loaded with invaluable insight, tips, strategies and tactics to put to work in your business and personal life straight away.

    This incredible publication is exclusive to EMIC members only, and includes essential information on topics your average business owner just doesn’t get exposure to. Not only that, it contains contributions from leading experts in critical areas relating to extraordinary entrepreneurial wealth, health and success, including exclusive articles from the six successful business owners in my Entrepreneurial Elite Inner Circle™.

    There’s also insightful ‘warts and all’ interviews with highly successful entrepreneurs and fellow business owners in the group, revealing how they’re overcome adversity and failure and how they’re accomplishing substantial growth, profits and personal wealth in today’s tough business environment.

  4. Your Entrepreneurial Mastery Inner Circle™ Preparation, Participation & Reflection Guide

    Getting the most from anything relies on a structured process – a methodology of how to maximise on the powerful opportunity Entrepreneurial Mastery Inner Circle™ brings to you and your business.

    Drawn from my many years of personal experience working with my own coach and mentors, I’ve created a simple, step-by-step guide to lead you through a tried, tested and proven process of transformation: it’ll ensure the plethora of powerful insights, ideas, solutions and breakthroughs you’ll discover in Entrepreneurial Mastery Inner Circle™ are not only captured and understood, but internalised and put to work in your life and business straight away.

  5. Dedicated Entrepreneurial Mastery Inner Circle™ Resource & Archived Call Hub

    Finally, all of your resources, Group Coaching & Mentoring Sessions and Guest Elite Mentor calls are recorded and archived in the dedicated Entrepreneurial Mastery Inner Circle™ area of my online Success Academy.

    This is a library of invaluable resource -allowing you to listen back to the astonishing amount of value, wisdom, knowledge and information that’s shared every month in this truly unique entrepreneurial community.

    There’s a very good reason why the Greeks say “repetition is the first law of learning!”

Here's the deal

If you were to try to replicate the level of support and resource you get in EMIC independently, you’d need to invest a very healthy 5-figure sum. 

To get this level of access to the highest paid professional coach in the world alone would do that, and that’s before the meticulously hand-picked panel of mentors (who are very successful business owners in their own right)….plus the magazine, 24/7 access to the discussion group and the opportunity to dramatically improve your network/inner circle overnight is taken into consideration.

Given the calibre of resources at hand, a reasonable fee for membership of Entrepreneurial Mastery Inner Circle™ should be at least £497 a month (plus VAT for UK and EU members only).

And I GUARANTEE it’s a steal at that price.

THAT SAID…I’ve built something very special here, something you can’t find anywhere else…and given there’s very little (if any) support today to help Coaches grow their businesses and improve their lives -and there’s certainly nothing that packs as powerful a punch as EMIC – I’m committed to bring this extraordinary opportunity to as many growth-orientated, success-focused business owners as possible.

Which is VERY GOOD NEWS for you because it means you can enjoy the astonishing benefits of Entrepreneurial Mastery Inner Circle™ for $197 a month (plus VAT for UK and EU members), by automatic subscription. 

To put that figure into perspective, it equates to $6.50 a day.

That’s nothing short of astonishing value, and let’s face facts; if you’re not willing to back yourself at such a humble level to get access to the crucial expertise, resources and support you need to make your business and personal aspirations a reality… then, as the statistics prove, you can bet your bottom dollar (and it will probably, literally, come to that) that entrepreneurial life in this industry is going to be a tough and short-lived for you.

Oh and I nearly forgot…

Here's what Entrepreneurial Mastery Inner Circle™ members are saying about it

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My business grew by 280%. And the growth continues to be exponential! 

I got stuck in the day-to-day activities working as a technician in my accountancy business. I wasn’t seeing my business going anywhere, and I was stuck. I wanted to scale up and grow my business. Then I found Christian Simpson’s “4 Pillars of Mastery”.

The First Pillars had a huge impact on my business — and equally on my personal life. Self-education is critical, and we can only grow our businesses if we overcome our limiting beliefs. That’s exactly what the first Pillar taught me.

Only by developing myself using different tools by Christian, have I seen my business grow — and it’s continuing to grow.

When the opportunity came, I didn’t hesitate to join the Entrepreneurial Mastery Inner Circle. Within a year of my first exposure to The 4 Pillars of Mastery and EMIC, my business grew by 280%. And the growth continues to be exponential!

It’s all because I’ve learned to grow myself first, so the business can grow with me. The 280% is a massive return on the investment made with Christian Simpson. I’m now associated with growth-minded people, and I’ve the enhancement and growth in my business has been mirrored by greater success elsewhere.

It’s had a profound impact on my personal life, which has improved immensely. I’m physically healthier and stronger than before.

My relationships with my family, staff, and clients has also improved. And I can see my future in crystal clarity with the help of the tools provided by Christian.

I’m an accountant, so I’m naturally reserved, yet I’ve found Christian Simpson to be one of those rare individuals who over delivers on his promises. Join EMIC – I can personally vouch that it will be one of the best investments you’ll ever make.

Nadeem Iqbal Image
Nadeem Ibqal
Owner, TaxAssist, London. Web:

It’ll be one of the best decisions you’ll make, not just for your business, but for your personal life too. 

EMIC is such a unique community of entrepreneurs from all over the world. I have often found myself at a crossroads in my thinking where I could really use the advice of someone who understands being the business owner.

My staff are wonderful, but they can’t speak into my challenges. Being able to jump on a coaching and mentoring call every to get my questions answered has been invaluable. Not to mentioned having access to the entire group in our forum.

I recently was struggling with how to implement a concern about pricing and charges with my customers. On sharing in the forum, I had over a dozen different perspectives from how others had handled exactly the same challenge in their own businesses, and the consequences of the decisions they made.

You can’t put a price on learning from the experience of others who’ve gone before you. I got the clarity I needed to make the right decision for my business – and most importantly of all, it worked!

Now I’ve experienced how valuable it is to have access to Christian Simpson’s coaching, his team of successful business owners as mentors, and a community of supportive, growing entrepreneurs, I’d never go back to trying to do it alone.

If you get the chance to join EMIC, do it. It’ll be one of the best decisions you’ll make, not just for your business, but for your personal life too.

Meredith Image
Meredith Viguers
Owner, Let Us Do The Cooking, Nolanville, Texas, USA. Web:

Since I joined EMIC I’ve made massive progress.

I joined EMIC in June 2015. The decision to join was a “no-brainer” because of the great value I had already gained from the “4 Pillars”, “7 Steps to Success” and “Science of Success 2”. Every week without fail I would dial in to the group coaching and mentoring calls with Christian.

I noticed things starting to change in me: more confidence, greater clarity of thinking and my consciousness was consistently getting elevated by Christian’s immense coaching & mentoring skills. My results started to improve.

My business strategy changed from being a small brand to now interacting with the biggest players in the food industry, rubbing shoulders alongside some of the biggest food brands in the UK, and we successful won a major contract with one of the biggest airlines in the world.

This would have not been possible if I had not joined EMIC, of that I have no doubt. Not only did Christian help to unlock my thinking and revolutionise my mindset but there were other contributing factors as well.

The EMIC discussion group gave me access to highly talented business owners I would normally never meet. They are the most helpful and supportive people I have ever come across. I have had some very difficult times and the advice and support I have received to help me battle through was unbelievable.

Since I’ve joined EMIC I’ve made massive progress – I can’t wait to see where I will be in another 1 year, 2 years or 5 years…with even more opportunities coming through to EMIC members the future is now full of hope and inspiration.

My personal advice to anyone thinking about joining is simple: Join EMIC it will transform you and your life way beyond what you ever thought possible, put yourself in the environment, utilise and make the most of everything it has to offer 100% and enjoy every minute of your success.

Adrian Massey Image
Adrian Massey
Owner, Cgo® Drinks Ltd, Oxon, England. Web:
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EMIC is your direct business family. They support you, give out great advice…and motivate you while offering a constant resource of incredible tried and tested methods 

A great way to explain EMIC would be to use the word family. In our personal lives when things are hard, when we need advice, guidance we will often turn to our family.

Why then should your business life be any different? For years as an entrepreneur I tried going alone with some success but not the success I wanted or aspired too.

EMIC is your direct business family, they help support you. Give out great advice. Inspire you. Motivate you while offering a constant resource of incredible tried and tested methods. Do it. You’ll not look back.

Luke Wedgbury
Luke Wedgbury
Co-founder and co-owner C K B - Coalville Kitchens & Bedrooms Ltd, Coalville, Leicestershire, England. Web:
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My unique and PERSONAL cast-iron, unconditional, no-wiggle-room double-whammy 100% money-back GUARANTEE

First… you can “test-drive” EMIC entirely risk-free for the first 30 days. You get full and unfettered access to everything, and if at the end of it, for any reason or no reason at all, you’re not utterly convinced EMIC is going to be worth at least $100k to you over the first year…

… then I insist you cancel your membership and allow me to give you a full and immediate refund, no questions asked.

Secondly… I guarantee your subscription will NEVER increase for as long as you’re a member.

I can’t say fairer than that can I?

And let’s put all this into perspective...

If you’re doing what needs to be done and taking action, your membership is FREE. Better than free, in fact, because if you’re like most EMIC members, you’ll be making bigger profits far outweighing the small subscription fee I’m asking from you.

And as I said, the humble $197 a month membership fee is less than $6.50 a day (circa £5.20 if you prefer UK pounds) – less than what most people spend in Starbucks a day.

And let’s face facts – any Coach NOT willing to invest less than £5 a day on improving themselves, growing their business and enabling greater success to come into their business and personal life is a hypocrite who’ll forever find business, and life, increasingly frustrating and difficult.

Following the underachieving and struggling masses down the well-trodden path has always been disastrous. It has NEVER led to the financial certainty and freedom enjoyed by the Top 0.1%, and it never will.

So don’t do it.

Be willing to take the path least travelled…

… and a plethora of personal experience – both mine and others – guarantees you’ll be rewarded exponentially. 

Christian Simpson Profile And Signature Transparent

P.S. Remember: Join me in Entrepreneurial Mastery Inner Circle™ and your rate of $197 a month (plus VAT for UK & EU members) is GUARANTEED for as long as you’re a member.

And remember the exclusive benefits you'll enjoy as a member of Entrepreneurial Mastery Inner Circle™

  1. 4 x 2-Hour Live Group Coaching and Mentoring Events EVERY month (aside from public holidays). Taking place every Monday, at 4pm UK time, you’ll have unprecedented, personal access to me to ask any question and receive both coaching and mentoring in return. A world-class coach continually on tap for you and your business.

    Not only that, you’ll have world-class coaching from the Head of my Coaching Faculty, plus the opportunity to plug into the knowledge, wisdom and experience of the leading experts I pay to help me and my business grow… AND the very successful Elite Coaches and business owners who form part of my Entrepreneurial Elite Inner Circle™ (my own private mastermind group) and Elite Mastermind™ community.

    PLUS you’ll also have the very rare and incredibly powerful benefit of observational learning. This where you have the unique opportunity to listen to the goals, aspirations and challenges of other like-minded, success-focused business owners as they interact in a coaching and mentoring process.

    Here’s why it’s so powerful: you’ll pick up an endless amount of ideas, solutions and best practice from it. We may all have very different businesses and very different aspirations, but what stops us reaching our potential and achieving those aspirations is universal. Believe me, I know . Thousands of hours coaching over the past two decades has given me that awareness.

    Every session is recorded – you’ll get a link to listen back to the Event shortly after the session ends – so if you do miss the live interaction, you won’t miss any of the powerful insight that comes from observational learning.
  2. Access to the exclusive Entrepreneurial Mastery Inner Circle Discussion Group. This is where you interact, day in day out, with other like-minded, success-focused business owners in the group. Entrepreneurial Mastery Inner Circle™ is a powerful self and business growth environment, where members bounce ideas of each other, discuss breakthroughs, get help on challenges, build relationships, share opportunities for collaboration and joint ventures, support each other in their business growth and personal success objectives, and discuss points raised in the live Group Coaching & Mentoring and Guest Mentoring sessions.

    PLUS it’s also the only place where, unless you’re a member of my high-end entrepreneurial mastermind (Entrepreneurial Elite Inner Circle™), you can email me and get a full and frank answer to help you overcome whatever’s getting in the way of your growth objectives in-between our regular, in-person interactive sessions.

    And I assure you of this – Entrepreneurial Mastery Inner Circle™ will be a treasure trove of business-building and life-enhancing ideas and insight. I’d strongly advise you set up a folder in your mail client just for the nuggets of wisdom you’ll get from this experience – I know, from personal experience, it becomes a library of success strategies and tips to continually reference as you move forward.
  3. The Naked Coach bulletin. A stunning and entirely unique, 16-page colour publication delivered-to-your-door every month packed to the hilt with powerful articles from leading experts and the team of Elite Mentors. It’s loaded with invaluable insight, tips, strategies and tactics to put to work in your business and personal life straight away.

    This incredible publication is exclusive to EMIC members only, and includes essential information on topics your average business owner just doesn’t get exposure to. Not only that, it contains contributions from leading experts in critical areas relating to extraordinary entrepreneurial wealth, health and success, including exclusive articles from the six successful business owners in my Entrepreneurial Elite Inner Circle™.

    There’s also insightful ‘warts and all’ interviews with highly successful entrepreneurs and fellow business owners in the group, revealing how they’re overcome adversity and failure and how they’re accomplishing substantial growth, profits and personal wealth in today’s tough business environment.
  4. Your Entrepreneurial Mastery Inner Circle™ Preparation, Participation & Reflection Guide

    Getting the most from anything relies on a structured process – a methodology of how to maximise on the powerful opportunity Entrepreneurial Mastery Inner Circle™ brings to you and your business.

    Drawn from my many years of personal experience working with my own coach and mentors, I’ve created a simple, step-by-step guide to lead you through a tried, tested and proven process of transformation: it’ll ensure the plethora of powerful insights, ideas, solutions and breakthroughs you’ll discover in Entrepreneurial Mastery Inner Circle™ are not only captured and understood, but internalised and put to work in your life and business straight away.
  5. Dedicated Entrepreneurial Mastery Inner Circle™ Resource & Archived Call Hub

    Finally, all of your resources, Group Coaching & Mentoring Sessions and Guest Elite Mentor calls are recorded and archived in the dedicated Entrepreneurial Mastery Inner Circle™ area of my online Success Academy.

    This is a library of invaluable resource -allowing you to listen back to the astonishing amount of value, wisdom, knowledge and information that’s shared every month in this truly unique entrepreneurial community.

    There’s a very good reason why the Greeks say “repetition is the first law of learning!”

Here's what EVEN MORE Entrepreneurial Mastery Inner Circle™ members are saying about it

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EMIC is outstanding. The awareness it creates for both participant and listener is invaluable

Christian Simpson’s Entrepreneurial Mastery Inner Circle™ is outstanding. The power of listening to others explore their business challenges, ideas, thoughts, fears and limiting beliefs with Christian in a live forum, where others can also contribute, makes for a powerful learning opportunity.

To many that may sound scary or a waste of time but the power of the awareness it creates for both participant and listener is invaluable, because most challenges, personal or business, are common to us all at different times in our lives.

This new awareness, and the actions it generates, means both the person and the business grow. EMIC is to be highly recommended – you’ve got to want to grow though.

Stuart Warwick Image
Stuart Warwick
SDW Trading Ltd, Sandy, United Kingdom.

From the very first event it became obvious I’d made a very, very smart investment!

I heard once that ‘chance favours the connected mind’ and this struck a chord with me, and when Christian Simpson opened the door to his Entrepreneurial Mastery Inner Circle™ I didn’t hesitate.

From the very first event it became obvious I’d made a very, very smart investment!

Listening to the dilemmas, challenges, dreams and fears of other Entrepreneurs is so powerful – especially because it’s ‘real’ – it’s authentic and relevant to anyone who’s put their heart and soul into creating a successful business.

The exchanges taking place inside the EMIC discussion group is far more valuable than any seminar we might attend. Entrepreneurial Mastery is not about theory or content – it’s about real life experience as an Entrepreneur – and that’s where we learn most.

Smart people don’t just learn from their own experiences, they also learn from the experience of others. Being part of Entrepreneurial Mastery and having Christian as my Coach and Mentor is accelerating my success, saving me a lot of time and helping me avoid costly errors!

Bianca Costea Image
Bianca Costea
Cluj, Romania.

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