Why Choosing a Coaching "Certification" or "Accreditation" Before Reading This Message is Likely to Damage Your Career

Leading Industry Expert Reveals How to Avoid Being Misled, Duped and Deceived in an Unregulated Industry Beset With Fraudulent Claims

From: Christian Simpson, founder of the award-winning Conscious Coaching Academy™
Re: Your career in the Coaching profession

If you’re planning a career in the Coaching profession, or you’re already in the industry operating without a formal qualification – and your personal and professional credibility is important to you …

… then this message is one of the most important you’ll read in your Coaching career.


Because your professional reputation, and the longevity and quality of your career in the Coaching profession, hinges on you getting this decision right.

You wouldn’t have come to this page, and this far, if you didn’t understand how important professional credibility is.

After all, professional credibility is a direct measure of personal integrity and ethics.

Reputations are made or undone on. such matters.

No person in their right mind would entertain hiring a lawyer or accountant who isn’t professionally qualified, in the same way they wouldn’t entertain going under the knife of an unqualified surgeon.

So given Coaching plays an enormous role in determining the quality of an individuals’ personal and professional life – as well as playing a major role in mental health…

…. why should anyone entertain the idea of hiring an unqualified Coach?

Sadly, unknowingly, huge swathes of consumers do.

The Coaching industry is full of charlatans, pretenders frauds and violators who’ve had very little (if any) appropriate training, do not hold the appropriate industry-recognised qualifications, yet market themselves as a “coach”.

They either knowingly, or in some cases, unknowingly, misrepresent abuse and violate the Coaching profession and the public they claim to serve.

You can't afford to be one of them…

… not if you intend to stand apart from the transgressors as a credible professional in the service you provide.

And not if you intend to enjoy a successful and long career in the Coaching profession.

Consequently, this isn’t a decision you should make lightly or cheaply…

… not just because you take your career and responsibilities to your clients seriously enough to want to ensure you’re trained and qualified to the highest possible standards…

… and not just because you understand how personal and professional credibility in the eyes of the market you serve is vital to your success…

… but because you intend to enjoy a long and fruitful career as a sought-after, highly-regarded, high earning Coach – enjoying far more influence, impact and income than the vast majority of your industry peers will ever know.

So make no mistake, whether you choose to be professionally qualified or not, either way…

… you're about to make a career-defining decision

Far more career-defining than most people making the decision realise.

And certainly far more career-defining than when I made the decision to earn my professional Coaching Accreditation Coach back in 2000.


Because this industry is now over-populated, and failing to distinguish yourself in the eyes of the market you intend to serve is fatal (and industry statistics prove it).

Moreover, WHO you choose to be professionally qualified by is equally crucial.

That’s why making a fully informed decision is imperative to your success – and it’s why this message, and what it offers you, was created in the first place.

And on that note…

… let's get "the elephant out of the room" in terms of why I'm doing this

Because as I’m sure you’ve noticed, unlike every other page you’ll come to about Coaching accreditations and certifications…

… the purpose of this message is NOT to sell you into a professional Coaching accreditation programme.

Yes, I’m the founder of the Conscious Coaching Academy™, and yes I’m the creator of the world’s only Elite Influencer Coaching Accreditation™ – an award-winning, industry-leading professional qualification awarded the prestigious European Quality Award by the world’s oldest and most established industry accreditation body, The European Coaching & Mentoring Council (EMCC).

And yes, in the last three decades I’ve personally taught, trained and mentored over 40,000 people from more than 170 countries to the highest standards in the profession…

… however, this message is NOT about our Accreditation programme or you joining it.

It is about ensuring you have everything you need to make intelligent decisions which lead to an outstanding career in this profession

I have two primary reasons for doing this:

1: Firstly, humanity needs highly skilled, appropriately trained and qualified Coaches to be successful.

Only a well-trained, highly credible and successful Coach can bring the most transformational, consciousness-raising process to the clients they serve to bring tangible, measurable and substantial shifts in results/quality of life.

Sadly, many so-called Coaches are nothing of the sort.

Coaching – in its’ authentic form (not the experience handed out by the frauds, charlatans and violators) – is the true antidote to the ignorance which not only causes frustration and suffering at an individual level, it’s the root cause of the life-detracting behaviours perpetuated by our species every day.

Consequently, it’s in all our interests to help legitimate, credible Coaches succeed where most fail – hence why I’ve made it my business in the last three decades to help people who genuinely want to make a profound difference become Coaches equipped with the ability to reach, influence and impact as many lives as possible in the market they feel compelled to serve.

2: Secondly, when it comes to the kind of individual we’re open to explore collaborating with (we don’t work with everyone – in fact we don’t work with most), it ensures we’re dealing with an informed person with serious intention to make a telling contribution in a career of far greater influence, impact and income.

Now that’s clear, in regard to your future career in this profession…

Here's what you to need to know straight away

1: Not all Coaching qualifications are created equal.

Despite its maturity over the last few decades, the Coaching profession is still unregulated.

Consequently, there are plenty of organisations using terms such as “certification” and “accreditation” to describe programmes which have no authority and credibility in the eyes of the two recognised industry assessment bodies.

There here are a plethora of unscrupulous operators offering diabolically poor training experiences at dirt cheap prices to those who either know no better, or lack the personal and professional ethics to be trained and qualified to the appropriate standards.

Even in formally assessed accreditation programmes the quality of training experience vary dramatically.

The bottom line?

If you’re the kind of person who prides yourself on being the very best at what you do…

… with an ethical and moral compass which will not let you compromise on personal integrity and professional credibility, so you be increasingly transformational in your influence and impact on the market you serve…

… you must do your due diligence.

Never more than now has choosing the right training and Accreditation partner been so crucial to your success.

As a bare minimum you should never entertain being trained as a Coach by any training organisation who isn’t independently assessed and accredited by either the European Mentoring & Coaching Council (the oldest and most established accreditation body) or the International Coaching Foundation.

Even then, explore the deliverable, because standards vary alarmingly.

It doesn’t end there, because…

2: It takes more than a Coaching Accreditation to enjoy an outstanding career in the Coaching industry.

The truth is, you need to be more than a Coach in today’s market.

Much more.


Because this is a saturated, over-populated and commoditised profession, and there’s someone claiming to be a Coach at every corner.

The survival rates for businesses in the Coaching industry are appalling, and typical earning levels for Coaching business are shockingly low… and that’s before personal earnings of the Coach concerned.

Could it be more ironic for a profession which claims to help its consumer be far more successful?

Now for the VERY good news…

It doesn’t have to be this way.

Not if you’re willing to equip yourself with the know-how of how to avoid the costly and fatal mistakes most Coaches make…

… starting right now with your choice of training and Accreditation partner.

The bottom line?

In the Coaching industry – more than any other profession…

… WHO you learn from matters more than WHAT you learn.

That’s why, at the Conscious Coaching Academy™, before we even entertain an explorative conversation about a potential fit with anyone expressing an interest in becoming an Elite Coach and Influencer through our unique, award-winning accreditation experience, we ensure they’re adequately informed about what it takes to be successful in this profession.

We do that through an exclusive, free-to-access Masterclass, entitled Elite Influencer, Elite Impact™.

Based on three decades of diverse experience running a Coaching business – from the depths of struggle and cataclysmic business failure…

… to the heights of a 7-figure Coaching business impacting thousands of lives in more than 170 countries it unpacks the tried, tested and proven framework by which you become a highly credible, highly-sought after and highly paid Elite-level Coach.

Not only does it reveal how you develop superlative, transformative Coaching ability, it unveils how you distinguish yourself from every other Coach in the eyes of today’s increasingly apathetic, cynical and mistrusting consumer…

… so you’re seen as an exceptional, sage-like, go-to-authority in the eyes of the market you serve.

Moreover, it shares an unparalleled, step-by-step, proven methodology to ultimate influence, impact and market domination, backed by eye-opening industry statistics about the commercial reality of running a business in the Coaching profession – and how to take advantage.

Which is why…

… this is NOT for every Coach

We’re proudly and purposefully selective about who we work with… just as I wrote this message to encourage you to be very selective about who you choose as a training and accreditation partner.

We go to great lengths in our due diligence to ensure there’s a fit between what we do, who we are, the values we stand for, and the character, values, and aspirations of the individual concerned.

With that in mind, if you want to make a profound difference in the lives of the market you serve…

… and the idea of becoming a highly paid, highly credible and highly sought after Elite Coach and Influencer in the Coaching profession resonates strongly with your career aspirations…

… and you’re ready to explore how we make it happen…

… then I encourage you to do two things:

This Masterclass is for you if: 

Through a Series of Powerful Visual Models, Here's Just Some of the Eye-Opening, Career- Defining Insights You're About to Discover in Elite Influencer, Elite Impact™…

Why am I doing this?

Three reasons: 

As alluded to briefly earlier, I’ve carved-out a very good career for myself helping Coaches in over 170 countries reach a level of success most of their counterparts never will…

… and leading you through the powerful models and astonishing revelations in Elite Influencer, Elite Impact™ is the best way I can think of to earn your trust.

And on that note:

Who am I and why should you care?

This about you, your business and the prosperity and longevity of your career in the Coaching profession – it’s not about me and mine.

However, WHO you learn from in this profession matters more than what you learn…

… so even though I’ve made Elite Influencer, Elite Impact™ free-to-access , you will be investing time to watch it, consequently my credibility in this field should still be of interest to you so you know you’re in the safest of hands.

You’ll find plenty of personal testimonies about the impact of my work in the videos below, for now, here’s a brief overview:

Again, none of this is shared to brag in any way, it’s shared only to reiterate how the time invested in Elite Influencer, Elite Impact™ will bring you a magnificent return on investment time and time again. 

Here's why you can GUARANTEE time invested in Elite Influencer, Elite Impact™ is time wisely spent

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