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Thursday, 21 July 2022 | 2pm UK | 9am ET | 6am PT

Revealed: Why It's No Longer Good Enough To Just Be A "Coach" In Today's Over-Populated Market - And What You Must Do About It

Dear Fellow Coach

If the idea of resigning yourself to an average, ordinary or mediocre career in this profession is as unacceptable to you as it is unthinkable, then reading this message in its entirety will reward you in ways you currently can’t imagine.

Because the truth is, it’s no longer good enough to just be a “Coach” in today’s over-populated market. Not if you’re to enjoy an outstanding career with far more influence, impact and income than the vast majority of Coaches will ever know.

Is any of this true of you?

… on the contrary…

… yet the gap between your career aspirations and reality is as wide as it seems unattainable.

If this rings true for you (and there’s an excellent chance it will given this is the reality facing 98.7% of coaches today)…

… and the idea of being seen as just another, “ordinary, everyday Coach” turns your stomach or makes your blood boil…

… then you simply cannot afford to miss the most important and rewarding event of your career to date.


Because your entire career - and all you hope to achieve in this profession - hinges on your ability to distinguish yourself from every other "coach" out there

Think about the reality of our industry today.

If you’ve spent any time online over the last few years, you’ll have noticed the number of “coaches” in the market has exploded.

It seems like every man and his dog is a “coach” these days.

And in the eyes of most consumers, a Coach can be found on almost every corner – with very little to distinguish between them.

The truth is, it's no longer good enough to be a Coach

Not in a profession which is so over-populated it’s gone beyond saturation levels – and not in a profession where survival rates and income levels are appalling low.

Worst still, the genuine and authentic Coaches who are appropriately trained and formally accredited to deliver the service they promise with integrity and credibility are grossly outnumbered by untrained, unfit and unqualified frauds, imposters, charlatans, pretenders and unscrupulous violators.

Coaching is a grossly overused, misrepresented, ruined and devalued word… and make no mistake you, and the service you provide, has been grossly devalued as a consequence.

As a self-confessed Coaching purist and protector of the sanctity of the most transformative process known to making, I don’t like the abuse of our profession anymore than you…

… but none of that changes the reality of the biggest frustration and challenge facing true coaching professionals today.

The bottom line? 

You can't afford to be one of the crowd… because the crowd is no longer impressing anyone

Otherwise it’s only going to get harder, riskier and costlier to be seen and heard above the noise – and I really shouldn’t need to point out the dire consequences of that.

What would it mean to you, your business and your career to be a fully accredited and celebrated Elite Influencer in the Coaching industry?

The answers – and the tried, tested and proven pathway to make make it happen – is what I’m revealing in this FREE-TO-ACCESS Global Video Broadcast.

You'll not only discover why this is so crucial to your future career in the Coaching profession… I'll reveal exactly how to make it a reality in your career TODAY

Yeah, I know, it’s one hell of a promise, so remember:

I’m not asking you to trust me on it, I’m asking you to test me on it.

In this unmissable event, you’ll discover:

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One last but crucial thing…

If you believe becoming an Elite Influencer in this profession is beyond you…

… do NOT register for this event.

It’s not for you.

In fact, it’s NOT for the vast majority of Coaches – especially those who feel entitled to business because they’ve got/bought a certification…

… or those who claim to be in the business of bringing far greater success to their clients, yet fail miserably to demonstrate it in their own lives.


… if you’re the kind of Coach who has the highest personal and professional ethics and integrity…

… the kind who sets the highest standards for yourself…

… and you’ve got a deep-seated desire to make the kind of impact on your market 98% of your industry peers can only ever dream of…

… and most crucially of all you’ve got the courage and commitment to walk the contrarian path leading to Elite Influencer status and impact…

… then you do not want to miss what I can assure you will be the most valuable 90 minutes of your entire career.

Click any button on this page, secure your place… and I look forward to opening your eyes to the extraordinary opportunity this industry offers to those equipped with the know-how of how take advantage.

Thursday, 21 July 2022 | 2pm UK | 9am ET | 6am PT

IMPORTANT! Please Read…

Do not make the grave error in thinking that because I’ve made this broadcast free-to-access, it’s value to you can’t be that high.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Not only will such a conclusion have disastrous consequences for your career moving forward, it immediately reveals you don’t have what it takes in your thinking to shift from spending the rest of your career ‘hustling’ to stay solvent as a typical Coach, to an Elite Influencer with an outstanding career of ever-increasing influence, impact and income.

If that’s true for you do NOT attend this event under any circumstances.

If it isn’t true for you, click the button below, register, and prepare to have your perspective on what’s possible for you and your career unimaginably broadened.

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