REVEALED: How Elite Influencers in the Coaching Industry Enjoy Far More Influence, Impact & Income… and How to Join Them

Three Decades of Priceless Insight From the Creator of the World's Only Elite Influencer Coaching Accreditation™

From: Christian Simpson, founder of the Conscious Coaching Academy™
To: Aspiring-to be & frustrated Coaches everywhere
Re: Your Coaching business

If you plan to join the Coaching industry – or you already run your own Coaching business – and the idea of a career resigned to the struggle and mediocrity of this over-populated profession is as unacceptable to you as it is unthinkable …

… then your day has just got a lot better.

And if you long for a highly rewarding and prosperous career making a profound and indelible difference in the lives of others, with an enviable reputation as the leading, go-to authority in the eyes of the market you choose to serve…

… then this is one of the most important messages you’ll read in your entire career.

Because if you’ve been in the Coaching profession for more than five minutes you’ll know it’s not all it’s cracked up to be.

Not for the overwhelming majority.

Here's a truth you'll never hear about what it takes to enjoy outstanding success in the Coaching industry…

… being a credible, appropriately trained and qualified Coach is vital to your success – yet in-and-of itself it’s not enough.

This is why the Coaching profession has one of the highest failure rates of all business sectors.

It also explains why income levels for the vast majority of Coaching businesses – even in the most mature economies – are woefully low.

These are truths you cannot ignore: not if you plan to join this profession and enjoy a long, fulfilling and prosperous career…

… and not if you’re already in the industry, because the truth is, you’re reading this message because your career to date hasn’t matched up to your aspirations.

The good news is…

… it's NOT your fault.

Although it is your responsibility to fix.

Because the only reason your results end up being typical of this industry is because you go about your business the same way every other underachieving Coach goes about theirs.

Tough, but true.

And the only reason you do that is because, like the vast majority of well-intentioned, ambitious Coaches who enter this profession to enjoy fulfilling, rewarding and prosperous careers…

… you don’t know what you don’t know…

… and no one led you to the all-important awareness of how to change it.

That’s why I wrote A World-Class Coach’s Guide To Far More Influence, Impact & Income™.

It draws on three decades of diverse experience running a Coaching business – from the depths of struggle and cataclysmic business failure…

… to the heights of a 7-figure Coaching business impacting thousands of lives in more than 170 countries…

… to the training over 40,000 Coaches to the highest standards for some of the biggest names in the self-improvement genre, and the creation of an industry-defining, award-winning accreditation for the Coaching profession’s Elite.

It reveals how to avoid the unseen yet almost inevitable pitfalls keeping the overwhelming majority of Coaches struggling and playing small…

… and how to set yourself apart in the eyes of today’s increasingly apathetic, cynical and mistrusting consumer from every other Tom, Dick and Harriet offering Coaching services.

Not only that, it unveils the unparalleled, step-by-step, proven methodology for ultimate influence, impact and market prominence.

This goes beyond being a “highly successful Coach”

Because in the pages of this easy-to-read book, I disclose how you rise to the top of this profession by shifting from being “typical” to “exceptional” in the eyes, minds, hearts and wallets of the audience you feel compelled to serve.

And with the simple, elegant and powerful process within the short chapters, this book will reveal how you join the ranks of sought-after, respected and revered Elite Influencers positioned with sage-like authority to enjoy far greater reach, influence, impact and income than the rest of our profession believe possible.

It’s no small promise, so before you go ahead and pre-order…

… here’s what you need to know:

First of all, none of this is hyperbole.

Everything in this book is simple, proven… and as practical as it gets.

There’s no fluff or filler – just plain, simple and straight-forward language about battle-tested principles and strategies drawn from telling, real-life experience in this industry.

It’s also succinct: so you can read the book in an hour or two. And that’s important, because this is a book you’ll want to return to time and time again.

It also includes simple yet highly revealing self-assessment exercises, and invaluable Coaching resources to put the ideas it shares to work.

And on that note:

This is NOT for every Coach

Because the well-documented industry statistics prove most Coaches struggle and fail.

82% are out of business in the first two years.

98% of those who survive fail in the following two years.

And the average revenue generated per year by a Coaching business in the world’s most mature market?

A meagre £51,600 ($62,500) per annum.

At best, most Coaches settle for making a mediocre living, trading time for not enough money, paid by the session or a day rate in a horribly constrained business reliant on the Coach’s physical presence to generate income.

Here's why these eye-opening statistics and uncomfortable truths should command your immediate attention

Income is a direct consequence of impact.

Which inevitably leads to two incontrovertible revelations:

Firstly, the vast majority of Coaches have minimal influence and impact in their careers – grossly limiting income, sense of fulfilment, meaning and purpose

Secondly, if you have a genuine, deep-seated desire to enjoy an outstanding career making a profound difference to as many lives as possible in whatever target market you choose to serve…

… you can’t afford to go about your business and career like every other struggling and mediocre Coach following the well-trodden path to an unremarkable and all-to-often, short-lived career.

The solution?

A World Class Coach’s Guide to Far More Influence, Impact & Income™.

If you’re yet to join this profession, this book is not about the Coach you currently think you aspire to be.

And if you’re already in the industry, it’s not about the Coach you’ve been or previously hoped to be .

It’s not even about where you, your Coaching business and career stand today.

It is about opening your eyes to the reality of the Coaching profession today…

… and the unprecedented opportunity it brings to those primed, poised and positioned to take advantage

I know – from bitter, personal experience – what it’s like to have a business and career which doesn’t reflect your unique ability and the value you bring to market.

Which is precisely what compelled me to write the book and reveal the tried, tested and proven methodology by which you rise to the top of this profession in the first place.

You’ll only find it in A World-Class Coach’s Guide To Far More Influence, Impact & Income™.

Influence Impact Income Book

Pre-Order A World-Class Coach's Guide To Far More Influence, Impact & Income™ & Instantly Receive All 9 Priceless gifts

You’ll receive A World-Class Coach’s Guide To Far More Influence, Impact & Income™ digital book on release, including the EPUB and MOBI file for your e-reader or tablet, and immediate access to ALL 9 Priceless Gifts.

Here's a quick look at what you'll discover when you get your digital copy of A World-Class Coach's Guide To Far More Influence, Impact & Income™

  • The “secret” Law of Influence, Impact and Income™ separating the Elite Influencers in the Coaching industry from the rest of the profession.
  • The astonishing industry statistics revealing the career-defining opportunity for the Coach willing to understand the commercial realities of this profession and to work them to his/her advantage.
  • How to become masterful in your influencing ability – revered, respected and sought after by your market because of your ability to bring tangible transformation to the lives of your clients
  • The simple yet crucial shift in how you think about and go about your career which will immediately distinguish you from every other Coach and set you on a trajectory to Elite-level influencer status
  • Why you must become more than a Coach: and why your days of referring to yourself as a “Coach” offering “Coaching” services have to end now
  • How to attract your addressable market in a way that’s not only compelling but irresistible to them.
  • How to go from being unknown to renowned by establishing powerful positioning and authority as an expert in the eyes of your audience
  • Why you’ve built a job not a business – and how to change it so your Coaching business becomes the platform by which you reach, influence and impact in far greater numbers
  • How to attract dream clients to your business while simultaneously repelling time-wasters, freeloaders and resource-suckers
  • The major error almost every Coach makes in the pursuit of growing their business which not only fails to increase income it costs the Coach concerned dearly
  • Why sales inconsistency has NOTHING to do with your sales ability (“good” or “bad”)
  • A simple yet profoundly powerful switch in your priorities delivering an incalculable return-on-investment for the rest of your career
  • How to charge premium prices for your expertise without anxiety or price-resistance
  • How to stop chasing fool’s gold: why, as counter-intuitive as it may seem, competing for “air” or hustling for business in this industry is the last thing you should do – and what you should be doing instead
  • Why your website isn’t a highly-profitable money-making marvel, why it’s not your fault, and how to fix it so it is
  • “Mistake Proofing” your business and career – the gross act of (mosty) unconscious negligence behind every underachieving and mediocre Coaching business (and demographic representing an astonishing 93% of the industry)
  • The fast-emerging credibility crises: where it’s coming from, why the public’s apathy towards Coaches and Coaching is fast becoming a deep-seated distrust – and how to ensure you’re NOT caught in the cross-fire
  • The reason prospective buyers don’t trust you – and how to change it overnight
  • The big Coaching industry lie – the deeply damaging myth – straight from the self-serving “mouth” of the PR machine which claims to have the industry’s best interests at heart
  • The Elite Influencer Pathway™: the blueprint containing three fundamentals you MUST adopt to enjoy the reach, influence, impact and income enjoyed by the 0.7% of Elite Influencers – and how it all comes together in a career-defining overarching framework
  • And much, much more besides
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Your pre-order of A World-Class Coach's Guide To Far More Influence, Impact & Income™ is £4.99…

… and best of all, you’ll have immediate access to ALL 9 Priceless Gifts, including my first book, and a special “Prologue Masterclass” containing some of the biggest revelations within the book – so you can put them to work almost instantly.

On that note, you can opt to add extra resources to your pre-order on the following page to put the strategies to work before the book lands in your inbox.

This is entirely optional of course, and, as I’m sure you’ve gathered by now, A World-Class Coach’s Guide To Far More Influence, Impact & Income™ has everything you need to fulfil the promise of the title.

Your pre-order immediately releases ALL 9 Priceless Gifts and the details will be delivered to your inbox imminently so you can put these proven methods to work straight away.

And, of course, when released, your digital copy of the book will follow.

Understandably, with all the eye-opening information about to come your way, you might be concerned you’ll be overwhelmed.

The good news is I’ve gone to great lengths to structure it in a simple, easy-to-follow system. You’ll be guided every step of the way on what resources to embrace and when.

In a nutshell, A World-Class Coach’s Guide To Far More Influence, Impact & Income™ is about working far smarternot harder or longer – in your career from now on…

… and I’ve made it my business to ensure you have everything you need to do it without outside help.

This is why I’ve included the 9 Priceless Gifts to complement what you’ll discover inside A World-Class Coach’s Guide To Far More Influence, Impact & Income™.

It’s a compilation of the most relevant resources in my deep vault (as are the optional resources) and together they’d justify a considerable sum if you were to invest in them separately.

Why am I doing this?

Three reasons:

The first is to bring you rapidly and fully into my world by revealing such a profoundly powerful and proven way for you to take advantage of the unprecedented opportunity this industry offers – and elevate your Coaching career to levels previously unimaginable – you’ll want to work with me and my team to make it happen.

The second is to substantiate the above claim and deliver on my explicit promise to you as quickly, comprehensively, and irrefutably as I can so the logic of the first reason comes to mind sooner rather than later.

And finally, by achieving the first two reasons – helping you live into the bigger picture and purpose of your life’s work – I fulfil my own – which is to create the very best Coaching influencers this profession will ever know (hence the term “Elite Influencer”)…

… to equip them to reach, influence and impact their chosen audience to whatever degree they choose to…

… and in doing so, collectively, we not only protect the public from the plethora of charlatans, frauds and pretenders who misrepresent and abuse the term “coaching”…

… and we not only protect the sanctity and purity of the art and skill of the most transformational process known to mankind…

… we individually and collectively make a far greater contribution to the raising of consciousness in a species so desperately in need of it.

All the eye-opening, career-expanding revelations disclosed in A World-Class Coach’s Guide To Far More Influence, Impact & Income™ and 9 Priceless Gifts is the best way I can think of to earn your trust.

Mockup Featuring A Book Balancing On Its Spine

Your pre-order of A World-Class Coach's Guide To Far More Influence, Impact & Income™ is £4.99…

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Priceless Gift # 1:

The 9 Deadly Sins of a Typical Coach™

Exclusive Prologue Masterclass of A World-Class Coach’s Guide To Far More Influence, Impact & Income™

Just under 50 minutes of pure gold revealing some of the mainstay principles revealed in the forthcoming book.

What do the Elite Influencers of our profession do to earn their sage-like, go-to authority and expert status in the eyes, minds, hearts and wallets of the market they serve?

And what are the major pitfalls they avoid to make it happen?

That’s what you’ll discover in this special recording – exclusive only to pre-orders of A World-Class Coach’s Guide To Far More Influence, Impact & Income™.

Yes, of course, there’s so much more in the book (otherwise the duration of this Masterclass would be three times longer at least!)…

… however, ahead of the book’s release, I didn’t want to delay you enjoying the immense benefit of bringing these proven, career-defining shifts to you and your business today

Yours, With No Further Financial Investment Required, When You Pre-Order Your Digital Copy of A World-Class Coach’s Guide To Far More Influence, Impact & Income™ for £4.99

Mock-up Of A Kindle Oasis And A Physical Book Cover

Priceless Gift # 2:

The 9 Deadly Sins of a Typical Coach™ - Self-Assessment Scorecard & Success Implementation Guide™

The performance gap in life is the void between what we know and what we do.

As a Coach, you’ll understand how intellectual comprehension of the powerful ideas revealed in A World-Class Coach’s Guide To Far More Influence, Impact & Income™ is not enough to change the habitual ways you think and act into the creation of the current conditions and circumstances of your business and life.

We both know nothing can change in those conditions and circumstances unless the belief systems sponsoring them are made conscious and modified accordingly.

If you want to change the fruits, you have to change the roots.

To become the Elite Influencer I assure you you’re capable of becoming, you must internalise the powerful methodologies at hand.

This invaluable resource was developed for precisely that objective. It contains two, powerful elements to make it happen:

  • The 9 Deadly Sins of a Typical Coach™ Scorecard – a simple yet revealing graphical self-assessment model to reality-test yourself in all of the “9 Sins”.
  • The 9 Deadly Sins of a Typical Coach™ Success Implementation Guide™ – Powerful Coaching questions relating to the principles and strategies revealed in the book/masterclass to integrate these ideas into the way you think and act into your business and life.

Immediately Available When You Pre-Order Your Digital Copy of A World-Class Coach’s Guide To Far More Influence, Impact & Income™ for £4.99

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Priceless Gift # 3:

Elite Influencer, Elite Impact™

Discover The Proven Trajectory to Iconic Influence & Impact in the Coaching Industry

The title says it all.

This Masterclass will reveal why it’s crucial to be so much more than a Coach in today’s market …and how to make it happen.

Here’s my explicit promise to you – and it’s a big one: this Masterclass, and all it reveals, will be the most insightful, rewarding and exhilarating 70 minutes of your career to date.

Through a series of simple yet powerful models, you’ll discover:

  • The unvarnished truth about the reality of the Coaching industry… and the astonishing opportunity it offers you. Building on what’s revealed in The Coaching Industry Laid Bare™ report, no Coach who is to enjoy an outstanding career in this profession can go without this immeasurable insight.
  • The Coaching Industry Bell Curve™ – and the four demographics of Coach within the industry. Clarify where you and your career sit in the bigger context of the industry today… and which category you intend to be in moving forward.
  • Iconic influence and impact is in the reach of every Coaching practitioner who is willing to make these three incontestable criteria the only criteria they focus on. Simple. Transformational. And life and career defining.
  • The levers by which the 3 Fundamentals of Influence, Impact & Income™ are made tangible outputs in your Coaching business and career.

It’s yours – with my compliments – when you pre-order your digital copy of A World-Class Coach’s Guide To Far More Influence, Impact & Income™ for £4.99

Responsive Mockup

Priceless Gift # 4:

The 7 Levels of Influence, Impact & Income™

A Step-by-Step Roadmap To Climbing The Influence, Impact & Income Pyramid

Those results of yours? They have ancestry. They’re effects of a specific cause.

But here’s the thing: I can all but guarantee you don’t know the ultimate cause of those effects, because very few people do.

And guess what?

If you don’t know the ultimate cause of your results, any attempt to make tangible and substantial transformation STICK in any aspect of your life – including your business and career – becomes a matter of hope and/or guesswork.

Not a smart strategy by which to live by any stretch of the imagination – but we all do it – unless we’re led to a far higher level of understanding.

Which is precisely what The 7 Levels of Impact & Income™ will bring you.

Yes, your life, your business, and your career will never outgrow the quality of thinking you’re bringing to them, but it’s what determines your quality of thinking that matters.

This eye-opening Masterclass graphically illustrates and unpacks the impact and income socio-economic pyramid of the Coaching industry – and society at large.

Truly essential viewing, and nothing short of transformational for the Coach destined for the rarified air of Elite Influencer status.

Instant access with your pre-order of A World-Class Coach’s Guide To Far More Influence, Impact & Income™ for £4.99

Mockup Of An Open Booklet

Priceless Gift # 5:

The Coaching Industry Laid Bare™ [Report]

It stands to reason that if you’re to maximise on the opportunity in any profession, you must be aware of the commercial realities. Only then can threats be identified and managed, and opportunities seen and seized.

The good news is, according to market analysis, the demand for Coaching is set to grow exponentially in the next decade, in the same manner it did in the previous decade.

However, all is not quite as “rosy” as it may seem. The reality of the Coaching industry is not what appears to be at first glance – and even the vast majority of established practitioners are oblivious to the facts.

You can’t afford to be one of them. Not if you’re to take advantage – which is exactly what you will be when you put what’s revealed in A World-Class Coach’s Guide To More Influence, Impact & Income™ to work.

This succinct report reveals eye-opening statistics about the Coaching industry, drawn from detailed industry analysis and sector research, all of which puts you in pole position to take advantage.

Immediately available to you when you pre-order A World-Class Coach’s Guide To Far More Influence, Impact & Income™ for £4.99

Mock-up floating Over A Solid Surface

Priceless Gift # 6:

Why Coaching is Fundamental In Challenging Times™

In March 2020 the world was reeling at the emergence and alarming spread of a virus which compromised the immune system.

Worry, fear, anxiety and panic were rife – whipped up by an irresponsible media engine.

Coaching is the business of change. It’s one of the most challenging relationships and conversations your clients will ever have.

Consequently, your clients consistently face worry, fear and anxiety as they let go of their established norms and courageously embrace the unknowns of the life they want to live.

Your ability to lead them through these uncharted waters is crucial to their success – and relies heavily on two vital components:

1: How well you manage fear in the face of challenging times in your own life.

2: Your understanding of why Coaching is so fundamental in challenging times.

And that’s why this ultra-rare, previously unreleased recording of a special, live Global Broadcast at the beginning of what became the Covid-19 pandemic was a must for your Priceless Gifts.

Broadcast to a community of 35,000+ people studying my Coaching philosophy, this raw, authentic teaching will take your understanding of the importance and power of Coaching to levels most practitioners will never know.

Instant access with your pre-order of A World-Class Coach’s Guide To Far More Influence, Impact & Income™ for £4.99

Mock-up Three Ipad

Priceless Gift # 7:

The 3 Fundamentals of Influence, Impact & Income™

Good isn’t good enough.

Not in today’s market.

And not if you’re to enjoy a remarkable career of uncommon success as an Elite Influencer… as you make a far greater impact and contribution on the world via whatever market you feel compelled to serve.

Reach precedes influence. Influence precedes impact. Impact precedes the financial and spiritual reward of notoriety, significance, and fulfilment in an outstanding career as an Elite Influencer.

In this Masterclass, you’ll discover the 3 key questions Elite Influencers ask, and the 3 incontrovertible fundamentals separating Elite Influencers from the rest.

Even better, you’ll be able to assess yourself against each of the fundamentals as you stand today, then plot where you intend to be in each criteria – bringing you the clarity to formulate an actionable plan to execute the outcome.

Immediately Available When You Pre-Order Your Digital Copy of A World-Class Coach’s Guide To Far More Influence, Impact & Income™ for £4.99

CSimpson UESS BookMockup Transp WEB

Priceless Gift # 8:

The Ultimate Entrepreneurial Success Strategy™ [Digital Copy]

How The Top 0.1% Generate Wealth, Prosperity & Freedom

Your business is the platform by which you reach, influence and impact your market.

This critically-acclaimed book is the perfect companion to A World-Class Coach’s Guide To Far More Influence, Impact & Income™ as it reveals the underlying principle which underpins six of the nine “sins”.

It offers the radical and challenging idea that just about everything you’ve been conditioned to believe about what it takes to grow a highly profitable and enjoyable business is utterly flawed and achieves the opposite.

Entrepreneurs in more than 170 countries can testify to that truth, and how what’s revealed in this book undoes the damage… which is why I had to include it as one of your priceless gifts.

The digital copy of The UItimate Entrepreneurial Success Strategy™ is yours to download immediately with your pre-order of A World-Class Coach’s Guide To Far More Influence, Impact & Income™ for £4.99


Priceless Gift # 9:

The Ultimate Entrepreneurial Success Strategy™ Success Implementation Guide

How The Top 0.1% Generate Wealth, Prosperity & Freedom

To the previous point about the performance gap in life being the void between what we know and what we do – and how knowledge has no value unless internalised…

… your digital copy of The Ultimate Entrepreneurial Success Strategy™ includes the all-important Success Implementation Guide.

Packed to the hilt with powerful Coaching questions (and as a Coach you won’t need reminding that this is where the transformation takes place), this invaluable resource will, every time you embrace it, take your consciousness – and the quality of thinking it sponsors – to new levels.

And that transforms results. Every time.

Your Success Implementation Guide™ is immediately accessible with your pre-order of A World-Class Coach’s Guide To Far More Influence, Impact & Income™ for £4.99

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Pre-Order A World-Class Coach's Guide To Far More Influence, Impact & Income™ + All 9 Priceless gifts for £4.99

  • A Digital Copy of A World-Class Coach’s Guide To Far More Influence, Impact & Income™ [on release]
  • The 9 Deadly Sins of a Typical Coach™ Exclusive Prologue [Video Masterclass]
  • Iconic influence and impact is the reach of every Coaching practitioner who is willing to make these three incontestable criteria the only criteria they focus on. Simple. Transformational. And life and career defining.
  • The 9 Deadly Sins of a Typical Coach™ Self-Assessment Scorecard & Success Implementation Guide™ [PDF]
  • Elite Influencer, Elite Impact™ [Video Masterclass]
  • The 7 Levels of Influence, Impact & Income™ [Video Masterclass]
  • The Coaching Industry Laid Bare™ Report (PDF)
  • Why Coaching is Fundamental in Challenging Times™ [Ultra-Rare Global Broadcast Recording]
  • The 3 Fundamentals of Influence, Impact & Income™ [Video Masterclass]
  • Digital Copy of The Ultimate Entrepreneurial Success Strategy™ [Book]
  • The Ultimate Entrepreneurial Success Strategy™ Success Implementation Guide™ [PDF]

All of the Above is Yours When You Pre-Order A World-Class Coach's To More Influence, Impact & Income™ + All 9 Priceless Gifts for £4.99

On release, you’ll receive A World-Class Coach’s Guide To More Influence, Impact &
Income™ digital book, the MOBI and EPUB file for your e-reader or tablet, and instant access to ALL 9 Priceless Gifts

Life Time Guarantee

My Insane, Cast-Iron, No-Quibble, 100% Money-Back, Lifetime Guarantee

Yes, you did read that correctly.

I have the benefit of knowing just how valuable A World-Class Coach’s Guide To Far More Influence, Impact & Income™ and all it reveals will be to you…

… you don’t. Not yet.

And that’s before the astonishing value you’ll derive from the 9 Priceless Gifts.

So even though your investment in A World-Class Coach’s Guide To Far More Influence, Impact & Income™ is a modest one, I want to remove any possible barrier or perceived risk between you and the information you need.

That’s why I’m only too happy to take all the risk.

Should you believe, for any reason, at any time between now and the day one of us shuffles off this mortal coil, that what I share in A World-Class Coach’s Guide To Far More Influence, Impact & Income™ isn’t worth at least a thousand times what you paid to get it in your hands…

… just send me an email and I’ll refund you in full – and you can keep the book (and every one of the Priceless Gifts too).

I can’t stand by my explicit promise regarding the value of this book (and additional resources) to you more than that, can I?

“No, you can’t Christian,” is the only sensible answer to that question.

Over to you then…

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Pre-Order A World-Class Coach's Guide To Far More Influence, Impact & Income™ + All 9 Priceless gifts for £4.99

  • A Digital Copy of A World-Class Coach’s Guide To Far More Influence, Impact & Income™ [on release]
  • The 9 Deadly Sins of a Typical Coach™ Exclusive Prologue [Video Masterclass]
  • Iconic influence and impact is the reach of every Coaching practitioner who is willing to make these three incontestable criteria the only criteria they focus on. Simple. Transformational. And life and career defining.
  • The 9 Deadly Sins of a Typical Coach™ Self-Assessment Scorecard & Success Implementation Guide™ [PDF]
  • Elite Influencer, Elite Impact™ [Video Masterclass]
  • The 7 Levels of Influence, Impact & Income™ [Video Masterclass]
  • The Coaching Industry Laid Bare™ Report (PDF)
  • Why Coaching is Fundamental in Challenging Times™ [Ultra-Rare Global Broadcast Recording]
  • The 3 Fundamentals of Influence, Impact & Income™ [Video Masterclass]
  • Digital Copy of The Ultimate Entrepreneurial Success Strategy™ [Book]
  • The Ultimate Entrepreneurial Success Strategy™ Success Implementation Guide™ [PDF]

All of the Above is Yours When You Pre-Order A World-Class Coach's To More Influence, Impact & Income™ + All 9 Priceless Gifts for £4.99

On release, you’ll receive A World-Class Coach’s Guide To More Influence, Impact &
Income™ digital book, the MOBI and EPUB file for your e-reader or tablet, and instant access to ALL 9 Priceless Gifts

And finally…

… a certain amount of congratulations are in order, because if you’ve read this page to this point, you clearly take your career – and your level if influence, impact and income – seriously.

That makes you my kind of Coach… and bodes very well in terms of what the book and 9 Priceless Gifts will do for you.

These powerful resources – and this page – is about you and your career, not me and mine… however, given who you learn from matters more than what you learn in this profession, the brief introduction below may be important to you.

I’ve been a professional qualified Coach since 2001, and a self-confessed Coaching purist with zero tolerance of the misrepresentation and abuse of the noble art and profession.

Since 2007 I’ve taught, trained and mentored over 40,000 Coaches – from more than 172 countries – to the highest standards in the profession, as well as equipping them as entrepreneurs to build highly profitable 6 and 7-figure Coaching businesses.

My list of clients include some of the biggest names in the self-development industry, including close collaborations with the late Bob Proctor and John C. Maxwell.

I’m the founder of the industry-leading Conscious Coaching Academy™, and the creator of the world’s only Elite Influencer Coaching Accreditation™

This is shared only to reassure you you’re in the safest of hands, and to further reiterate how your investment in A World-Class Coach’s Guide To Far More Influence, Impact & Income™ will, if you allow it, reward you and your career magnificently.

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Pre-Order A World-Class Coach's Guide To Far More Influence, Impact & Income™ + All 9 Priceless gifts for £4.99

  • A Digital Copy of A World-Class Coach’s Guide To Far More Influence, Impact & Income™ [on release]
  • The 9 Deadly Sins of a Typical Coach™ Exclusive Prologue [Video Masterclass]
  • Iconic influence and impact is the reach of every Coaching practitioner who is willing to make these three incontestable criteria the only criteria they focus on. Simple. Transformational. And life and career defining.
  • The 9 Deadly Sins of a Typical Coach™ Self-Assessment Scorecard & Success Implementation Guide™ [PDF]
  • Elite Influencer, Elite Impact™ [Video Masterclass]
  • The 7 Levels of Influence, Impact & Income™ [Video Masterclass]
  • The Coaching Industry Laid Bare™ Report (PDF)
  • Why Coaching is Fundamental in Challenging Times™ [Ultra-Rare Global Broadcast Recording]
  • The 3 Fundamentals of Influence, Impact & Income™ [Video Masterclass]
  • Digital Copy of The Ultimate Entrepreneurial Success Strategy™ [Book]
  • The Ultimate Entrepreneurial Success Strategy™ Success Implementation Guide™ [PDF]

All of the Above is Yours When You Pre-Order A World-Class Coach's To More Influence, Impact & Income™ + All 9 Priceless Gifts for £4.99

On release, you’ll receive A World-Class Coach’s Guide To More Influence, Impact &
Income™ digital book, the MOBI and EPUB file for your e-reader or tablet, and instant access to ALL 9 Priceless Gifts

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© 2023 Christian Simpson Enterprises Ltd – All Rights Reserved.

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