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Discover the 7 essential tried, tested & proven principles relied upon by highly successful entrepreneurs for outstanding business & personal achievement

Dear Fellow Entrepreneur

If you want your business to grow and flourish, enjoy greater success in your personal and business life, and see your results effortlessly boosted to an entirely different and higher level, a level way beyond what you thought likely or even possible…

… then your day is about to get immeasurably better.

Why do I say this?

Because your being here and reading this page means you’ve already benefited from the powerful and proven strategies I shared with you in The 4 Pillars of Mastery™, the fundamental and universal principles lying at the very heart of extraordinary entrepreneurial success.

In short, the principles I set out for you in The 4 Pillars of Mastery™ are the foundation on which further proven success strategies are built and put to work in your life and business.

To be sure, the The 4 Pillars of Mastery™ are extraordinarily powerful and, as you have experienced already, can by themselves elevate you to an entirely new level of success and achievement.

But powerful as they are, they are merely the tip of the iceberg, a foundation upon which you can build.

To achieve success in any endeavour takes nothing more than the committed execution of a number of pre-determined and learnable steps. Once we understand that, our future is assured, because all we have to do to reach our goals is execute those steps in the given order.

And what I’m about to share with you are seven universal and fundamental principles of success which build on your current achievements and carry you to and even beyond your goals with proven actions seated firmly on the rock-solid foundations of The Four Pillars of Mastery™.

I call these seven immutable principles The 7 Steps to Success™.

And best of all?

Whether you take the steps in a decade or a year makes no difference to your ultimate destination.

You don’t have to wait to “climb” the ladder of success.


You can simply leapfrog to the top.

And that’s where The 7 Steps to Success come into their own.

But before I go any further, I have a warning for you: what I’m about to reveal to you in The 7 Steps to Success is not for everyone.


Three reasons.

  1. The first is you simply might not be ready for it. Sure you’ve experienced the power of the The 4 Pillars of Mastery™, a fact which in and of itself qualifies you for this exclusive and personal invitation because it shows at some level you’re smart, ambitious, and highly motivated for success.

    But even so, if you’re not willing to do what’s necessary to answer the big questions relating to entrepreneurial success, the fundamental groundwork history tells us makes the difference between struggle, mediocrity, and “average”, and outstanding success, then this unique opportunity isn’t for you.
  2. The second reason is not everyone wants the kind of dramatic business growth and personal success you’ll experience when the right tools, strategies, and techniques are put to work in your personal and professional life.

    I’m not entirely sure people ever truly fear success, but there’s no doubt whatsoever not everyone can handle it once they have it.
  3. And the third reason is you might find the idea of rapid, focused, and uncompromising implementation takes you too far outside your comfort zone to cope with.

    It’s a given you’ll never experience substantial or significant growth inside your comfort zone, where your limiting beliefs remain unchallenged and cripple your potential, keeping you firmly to heel. But to “unlearn” the deep-seated ideas detracting from your entrepreneurial success and step outside industry- and societal norms takes immense courage, courage that most business owners frankly just don’t have.

    George Bernard Shaw said “The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man”.

    And unless you’re willing to take Shaw at his word, you’ll never break free from the average.

But if you’re cut from different cloth from the norm, and you’re someone who, in the name of enjoying a level of success beyond the perception, understanding, and reach of 99% of hard working business owners, is willing to put your back into overcoming beliefs not serving you, and put proven and effective ideas to work in your life and business, ideas the average and “reasonable” man or woman will find counter-intuitive to the “conventional wisdom” followed by the masses, then…

… frankly, you’d be making a grave error to not grasp this opportunity with both hands.

But before we get into the details…

Who am I, and why should you care about anything I have to say?

I’m Christian Simpson, internationally acclaimed expert in professional coaching, and the world’s leading coach and mentor to professional coaches, entrepreneurs, and business owners.

My clients include John C. Maxwell, the world’s No.1 leadership expert and author, and, to date, the leading-edge entrepreneurial success solutions I share have transformed the lives of thousands of coaches, and other business owners in more than 160 countries.


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Today, I share the stage all over the world with some of the biggest names in the personal success and self-improvement business.

So… don’t you think there might be a reason so many professional coaches, other business owners, and multi-millionaire ‘big guns’ pay a Brit so handsomely for his expertise rather than using the home grown talent within their own networks? After all, these are very well connected people with plenty of choices.

And of course there is.

And that reason is… the work I do gets results — and in entrepreneurial life, it’s the only thing that counts.

I’m not sharing this with you to brag in any way.

Chances are you’ve never heard of me, and I have no desire to stoke my own ego by trying to impress anyone.

No, I share my entrepreneurial pedigree with you so you know when I say I have something powerful and profitable to share with you, it’s going to reward you handsomely to take notice.

But don't take my word for ANY of it... because here's what others are saying about The 7 Steps to Success™

The work of Christian Simpson with business owners is based around the principles of cause and effect and developing the business owner as an individual. The 7 Steps to Success are a series of practical tools to help entrepreneurs and business owners define what they wish to achieve and help them do so.

The tools will help you define what your purpose is, what goals you want to achieve and – even more significantly – what is the vision of what you want your life to look like.!

The 7 Steps to Success guides you through the process of defining what success looks like for you and how to get it.

It has helped me immeasurably and I recommend it to everyone I speak with.

Hutchens Image
Paul Hutchens
CEO, ECO2 Solar Ltd

It's all very well reading a book, listening to a speaker or watching some videos to try and decipher why you haven't achieved the level of success you want yet. But it’s something entirely different when you have a step-by-step, world-class coaching guide to walk you through the process of applying proven strategies that make you more successful and fulfilled.

In the past 8 years I've spent tens of thousands of pounds and traveled across the globe to get access to the very best strategies for personal growth.

And I could have got it all with The 7 Steps to Success.

The powerful resources in this course contain virtually ALL of the tools and techniques that actually made a difference to my business and my life. If I was to go back and do it all again, I'd not go much further than The 7 Steps To Success.

Christian has created a resource that takes complex theories and makes them achingly practical, simple to use and easy to apply. This will be the most powerful, game-changing resource you'll get your hands on this year. Use it, and I promise you you’ll move to an entirely different level in your business and your life.

Megan Macedo Image
Megan Macedo
Managing Director, The Website Goddess

I have only just begun Christian Simpson's Entrepreneurial Success Program "The 7 Steps to Success" and what I have experienced so far has already had a far reaching impact on helping me reach my entrepreneurial vision.

The clarity of the videos and the questions presented with the accompanying Success Implementation Guide are the tools that are allowing me to become "Master of my Existing Circumstances".

For me this program is working with my personal vision of where I want to be in my personal life as well as what aspire to as a business owner. So far this has been the most powerful self development tool that I have ever been exposed to and I heartily recommend the investment.

John Briggs Image
John Briggs
Managing Director, Traverse City, Michigan

Here's what you're getting in The 7 Steps to Success™, the tried, tested, and proven principles of extraordinary entrepreneurial success

Step One

The 7 Steps to Success™ is a powerful series of seven online videos which continue where the The 4 Pillars of Mastery™ left off, with over two and half hours of leading-edge strategies to put to work in your business and personal life today.

Essentially, The 7 Steps to Success™ break down and answer the biggest and most important questions of entrepreneurial life, with each resulting action-plan and strategy broken down into simple, easy-to-apply steps you can plug in to your business and personal life immediately and have them working for you right away.

Step Two

Many business owners who’ve already benefited from the strategies revealed in The 7 Steps to Success™ write to me and say Step Two is the most powerful information on success they’ve ever been exposed to.

It’s where you get to understand how your current results are created is what  makes all the difference, and — most important of all — you’ll discover how you get the creative process working to generate the results you want rather than those you want to change.

As T Harv Eker says in the Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, “if you want to change the fruits you have to change the roots”.

Step Two reveals everything you need to know to make that happen for you.

Step Three

In Step Three I build on the extraordinary revelations in Step Two to answer the question every successful entrepreneur must answer: what is the primary cause of my results?

Because if you can’t answer that simple question, how can you realistically expect any permanent improvements in any any area of your life?

That’s the day-to-day reality for most business owners – never grasping and mastering the cause of the effect.

But not you, because by the end of this Step Three, you’ll not only have the answer to that all important question, but you’ll also know how to improve the primary cause of your results immediately.

Step Four

In Step Four you’ll answer the biggest question of all relating to extraordinary entrepreneurial success – defining and living your purpose. As the American author Robert Byrne said, “The purpose of life is a life on purpose”.

Truth is, there are many commonalities shared by highly successful entrepreneurs, and having a clearly defined life purpose is one of them. Indeed, recently the Harvard Business Review said, “defining and living your purpose is where smart lives in the 21st Century”.

The entrepreneur who’s focused entirely on profit generation in unfulfilling work  with no purpose or meaning beyond generating ever larger amounts of cash is missing a fundamental trick when it comes to understanding and experiencing significant and substantial entrepreneurial success.

So it doesn’t get more important than Step Four.

Step Five

Step 5 follows on closely behind Step Four because it’s about vision – that clearly defined image of what success looks like for you.

The entrepreneur without a clear and precise vision lacks a compelling direction – the proverbial hamster on the wheel running faster and faster getting busier and busier…

… and getting nowhere.

Where there’s no vision the people perish. If you lack a detailed image of what success looks like for you it can never become a reality in your life, because you can’t get to any destination you have in mind if you don’t know where it is.

You think in images and your mind can’t create what it can’t see.

In this step you’ll be guided through a tried, tested, and proven process to ensure you move forward with a powerful vision to underpin your purpose, a vision to compel you to act in accordance with your entrepreneurial goals and dreams.

Step Six

Step Six is about stopping you thinking in reverse. That’s where you’ll find most business owners by the way, and most of them don’t even know it – not because they lack intelligence, talent, or hard work, but because they lack the awareness to differentiate between the habitual thinking of the herd and the advanced thinking of the successful elite.

We are all products of our environment, all products of someone else’s habitual way of thinking, and these learned and habitual ways of thinking bind us like chains… and they bind us all the tighter because they’re chains we don’t know we wear. 

This is s a very real and constant threat to all entrepreneurial dreams.

And Step Six puts paid to that very real threat for you…

… once and for all.

Step Seven

Finally, in Step 7 you’ll discover an entirely new way of understanding your entrepreneurial goals.

It’s well known goals are an essential ingredient to success, but only a small percentage of business owners know about an easy-to-implement strategy which works effortlessly to change the entire landscape around goal setting and achievement.

Step Seven alone revolutionises your ability to achieve goals in every aspect of your life…for the rest of your life.

And on top of all of the above, you’ll be receiving the most comprehensive coaching resource I’ve ever created for a course of this nature.

As with The 4 Pillars of Mastery™ you’ll have a Success Implementation Guide  to lead you step-step through the videos. The SIG is packed with simple, easy-to-apply tools and resources to get every single one of the powerful ideas in the The 7 Steps To Success™ working hard for you, effortlessly growing your business and dramatically improving your life from Day One.

It’s the powerful coach permanently sitting at your side, taking you through each strategy one step at a time.

More: the tools and techniques within your Success Implementation Guide have been purposefully designed to continuously take you to the next level as you grow and become more successful – so regardless of what level you’re at, you’ll always be on the upwards trajectory of improved results and ever-greater success.

Here is my strictly time-limited proposition to you today

The 7 Steps To Success™ has been acclaimed as a “comprehensive blueprint for extraordinary entrepreneurial achievement“, and many who’ve invested $1,497 in it have considered it an absolute steal…

strongly urge you to act now, while you’re thinking about it and before anything else comes up to distract you.

Yet, I know it’s a big “ask” I’m making here.

After all, $1,497 isn’t just “chump change”, and it’s wise to invest your time, money, and energy wisely. Anyone can make any claim they like on the Internet… and many do.

And it can be hard to separate the wheat from the chaff.

So why should you trust me?

What if it doesn’t work for you?

What if it’s just not “you”?

Simple: you don’t have to trust me because your investment is protected by…

Lifetime Guarantee

My PERSONAL cast-iron, unconditional, no-wiggle-room LIFETIME 100% money-back GUARANTEE

You can NOT possibly lose with the 7 Steps to Success because if at any time in the future you can look me in the eye on paper and tell me you studiously, diligently, and religiously applied what I share with you in the 7 Steps to your life and business…

… and you’re not delighted with it, for any reason or no reason at all

…. then I’ll give you a full refund, no argument, no questions, and no weasel-words… no kidding.

Can you trust me to honour it?

Damned right you can, because my reputation for integrity is the most valuable thing I possess. Without it, all else comes to naught.


Join me for the exclusive and unique 7 Steps to Success™

(just one single amount today and you're done)

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Christian Simpson Signature Image

P.S. There’s nothing quite so powerful as a good idea put into action.

And there’s nothing quite so sad as a good idea left untried and untested (especially when your own reason for not trying it is you somehow magically “know” it won’t work for you).

Ounce for ounce, The Seven Steps to Success™ is probably the most powerful and potent material I’ve ever produced. Consider that in the context of The Four Pillars of Mastery™ and you’ll understand why I’m so confident in its ability to help you, and in my promise of a lifetime unconditional money-back guarantee.

But The Seven Steps to Success™ are not magic, they’re no panacea, and the work you need to do won’t do itself.

And… if you don’t do the work …

… then you won’t get the results.

That’s a given, and to expect, think, or imagine the world works in any other way is just wishful thinking, a violation of the law of  cause and effect.

Look, if you want things to change, then you must change the way you think and act.

And if you’ll do that, then everything will change for you.

I can put The Seven Steps to Success™ in your hands and with the Success Implementation Guide painstakingly walk you through the whole programme…

… but the rest is down to you.

Please do NOT invest in Seven Steps to Success™ unless you’re prepared to roll your sleeves up and do the work.

You’re free to make any choice you like, but you’re not free to avoid the consequences of your choices.

So choose wisely.

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