The Essential Read for Every Elite Influencer in the Coaching Industry

Elite Influencers not only have world-class Coaching ability, they’re also savvy entrepreneurs… these books will undo the habitual ways of thinking which consign most Coaches to struggle and mediocrity, and equip you with the necessary psychology for uncommon success.

Be more than a Coach: be an Elite Influencer

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A World Class Coach’s Guide to Far More Influence, Impact & Income™

According to predictions by independent business research groups, the Coaching profession is set to enjoy substantial growth in the next decade.

The problem is the vast majority of Coaches won’t reap the harvest – because they’re not equipped to in the three fundamental areas which represent the 80/20 difference between the elite of this profession and the rest. The Coaching sector has entered its second evolution of growth. The market has and continues to mature. The profession serves an increasingly more wary and savvy consumer, and as the dynamics shift, so has the appetite.

The marketplace is flooded with typical, average Coaches offering typical, average Coaching services which are not only indistinguishable from one another, they’re viewed increasingly as a commoditized offering.

Good is no longer good enough. The market no longer wants the typical, average Coach it already has in abundance. What it does want is best of breed: highly trained and highly skilled experts in transformation with the credential to prove it.

This powerful book reveals eye-opening insight into the true underbelly of the Coaching profession, through the lens of a story built on three decades of priceless experience within it.

It reveals the “warts ‘n’ all” reality of a career reaching heights only a small percentage of individuals reach… and sinking to depths, sadly, far too many experience.

It’s the book I wish someone would have handed to me when I first conceived the idea of a richly rewarding, highly fulfilling and lucrative career running my own Coaching business.

Each chapter unpacks a simple yet profoundly powerful framework – drawn from those three decades of experience – by which you make your career  in the Coaching profession nothing short of exceptional. You’ll discover how to avoid the inevitable pitfalls keeping the vast majority of Coaches playing small, stuck in all-to-often short careers mired by struggle, failure, or at best abject mediocrity and underachievement. You’ll discover how to set yourself apart in the eyes of today’s increasingly apathetic, cynical and mistrusting consumer, becoming the go-to, highly sought after expert in transformation in the eyes, minds, hearts and wallets of the audience you feel compelled to serve.

And you’ll discover how to join the ranks of the Elite Influencers of the profession – the much in-demand experts in transformation, positioned perfectly to take advantage of the impending growth curve, carving out legacies through careers of far more influence, impact and income.

If you’re yet to join this profession, this book is not about the Coach you currently think you aspire to be.

And if you’re already in the industry, it’s not about the Coach you’ve been or previously hoped to be.

It is about the unprecedented opportunity before you – and how you become one of the few who are primed, poised and positioned to take advantage. It’s all revealed within the must-read chapters of A World-Class Coach’s Guide To Far More Influence, Impact & Income™.

A World Class Coach's Guide Book
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The Elite Influencer Book Image

The Elite Influencers of The Coaching Industry™

Coaching isn’t what most people think it is.In its true form – not the violated forms of so-called “Coaching” by which huge swathes of untrained, unqualified and unfit-for-purpose so-called “coaches” knowingly or unknowingly violate public and profession alike – Coaching is the most transformational process known to mankind.

Yet despite almost every Coach claiming otherwise, the truth is very few Coaches are truly transformational in their ability.

There are good, poor and indifferent in every profession, and the Coaching industry is no different.

Statistics reveal over 98% of the entire Coaching sector are represented in the good, poor and indifferent demographics – a sad indictment for the sector which stands for accelerating personal and professional success in life.

Which begs the question: what separates the very best from the rest? 

What distinguishes the Elite Influencers of the Coaching industry – those highly sought after experts in transformation – from the good, poor and indifferent of the typical, average Coach?

If you’re considering hiring a Coach, you need to know the answer – because the stakes don’t get much higher. Every aspect of your life, from your business to your relationships to every aspect of your physical and psychological well-being, will be impacted by your choice of Coach. The question is equally imperative to answer if you’re considering a career as a Coach – because statistics reveal this isn’t a profession to enter and follow the well-trodden path.

This book answers the question through the inspiring, personal stories of the Coaching industry’s Elite Influencers – individuals who represent the very best this profession will ever produce.

Who you learn from matters more than what you learn, and who you model matters more than you imagine. 

In those two irrefutable truths, this book brings rich and priceless insight drawn from the lives of “ordinary” people who’ve faced huge personal difficulties and, in some cases, unimaginable adversity, yet are choosing to leverage their experience to live extraordinary lives making a profound, transformative difference in the lives of those they serve.

Blue Triangle

The Ultimate Entrepreneurial Success Strategy™: How The Top 0.1% Generate Wealth, Prosperity & Freedom

You’ve spent a lifetime being moulded into one of the 99.9%. Now discover  what most business owners and entrepreneurs will never know – how to join the rarified air of the Top 0.1%.

The “secret” to success at this level cannot be found where we are nurtured and programmed to look.

No-one in their right mind enters entrepreneurial life to own a struggling business or a job in all but name which consumes more and more of the business owner’s life.

No-one in their right mind deliberately sets out to create a business which demands the owner works harder and harder, for longer and longer, just to maintain a reasonable standard of living.

And no-one in their right mind consciously chooses to struggle, to be average, to spend an entire career wallowing in abject mediocrity and underachievement.

So why do millions of bright, well-intentioned and intelligent business owners live this reality every day of every year? It’s all to do with those words “in their right mind” – although there’s much to the meaning of them than the initial, surface layer interpretation.

This book reveals the deeper meaning you must know which will……

if you are willing to dispense with the preconceived ideas you carry about what creates outstanding entrepreneurial success (ideas hindering your ability to call it forth)……

and you’re willing to be open to a counter-intuitive and even contrarian understanding……

put you on a trajectory to the kind of business and personal success very few business owners, sadly, ever reach.

This book earns its title by revealing the startling truths you need to grasp if you’re to avoid the crippling conformity of following the “norm”. It reveals the startling truths most business owners never know – how to lift you, your business, and your quality of life way above the mainstream by transforming how you think and act into your results.

You’ll discover why most of us are so ill-equipped to create astonishingly successful, self-multiplying, self-managing businesses – and how to undo all the damage.

The Top 0.1% is much closer than you think – but it will remain forever elusive unless you make a vital and fundamental shift in your perspective.

The ultimate entrepreneurial success strategy laid out in this book has transformed the business and personal lives of thousands of business owners in more than 160 countries…

… and it will do the same for you if you allow it to.

Book Coach Guide

A World Class Coach’s
Guide to Far More Influence,
Impact and Income™


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The Elite Influencers of the
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