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Powerful & Proven
Elite Influencer Resources

Christian Simpson is a world-class teacher, mentor and Coach. He’s unquestionably an emerging giant in the world of leadership and personal development.

Ken Image
ken sharrar
Development Executive, Influence Consultant
Ken Mobile Image

The Elite Influencer Coaching Accreditation™


If you’re ready for a deeply rewarding career running your own business as a highly sought after expert in transformation, with the ability and credentials to make a profound difference in the lives of others,  we should talk.

The Conscious Coaching Academy is the definitive centre of excellence for Elite Influencers in the Coaching profession.

Through our award-winning, industry leading accreditation, we not only create the very best this profession will ever produce – unparalleled influencers who are taught, trained and mentored to the highest standards in the most transformational process known to mankind
– we help craft exceptional careers.

If what has just been described resonates strongly with your aspirations, and you are genuinely serious about enjoying a richly rewarding, deeply fulfilling and lucrative career having a transformational impact on the lives of the audience and market you choose to serve…

… then schedule an Alignment Assessment with us, and let’s explore the fit between your aspirations and our industry-defining work at the Conscious Coaching Academy™.

Ready for an Exceptional Career as an Elite Influencer?

Your Coaching Ability Image

The Elite Influencer International Training Summit™


Join our team of Elite Influencers at the Conscious Coaching Academy™ in a spectacular, life and career-defining, in-person immersion in what it takes to become an expert in transformation in the Coaching profession.

A profound experience which will leave an indelible legacy on your business, career and life

A profound experience in a unique, immersive environment of exponential growth harnessing the ultimate skill for success in life.

A profound experience in an award-winning experience honing transformational ability of elite level influence to multiply your influence, impact and income

A profound, award-winning experience honing your ability in the most transformational process known to mankind.

A profoundly powerful experience drawing from the expertise and experience of the CCA faculty, our alumni of accredited Elite Influencers, alongside a group of exceptional individuals from all over the globe who. like you, are crafting extraordinary careers of far more influence, impact, and income.

This unforgettable experience is enhanced even further in the beautiful surroundings of CCA’s Elite Influencer Training HQ at one of our hand-picked venues.

Your reward will be a deeply enriching, life and career-defining experience – one you’ll leave as an entirely different proposition to the world than when you arrived.

For a brief peek at what makes this event such a magnificent experience for all concerned, watch the video next to this message.

Ready for an Exceptional Career as an Elite Influencer?

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The Iconic Coach: Become an Expert in Transformation™ [Live, Online Training]


If you are serious about enjoying an exceptional career in Coaching, then you can’t afford to miss out on this priceless opportunity to join Christian – live and in-person – as he leads you through the profoundly powerful, career-defining insights of the Coaching professions’ premier online training experience.

Exclusively designed for individuals who aspire to become high-end experts in transformation, with a thriving business and the professional credentials to prove it…

…  this unmissable training brings an ultra-rare opportunity to discover how you take your career to heights 98% of established Coaches will never know.

This Cutting Edge Training is For You if...

It is Not for You if...

To request a seat at the forthcoming training experience, click the button below.

The 6 Fundamentals Of Transformational Coaching

The 6 Fundamentals of Transformational Coaching™


Revealing the profoundly powerful methods behind the transformational impact of Elite Influencers, this eye-opening video Masterclass reveals what separates the best in the Coaching profession from the rest.

Coaching is both an art and a science in transformational degree influence. It takes far more than skill alone.

The vast majority of so-called “coaches” in the marketplace are not Coaches at all.

Even very few of those who’ve been adequately trained and qualified know how to Coach at a transformative level.

At the core of transformational Coaching are SIX timeless principles every elite level Coach deploys to bring a truly transformative experience to the clients they serve.

To rise to the top of this profession, and be masterful in your influencing ability, you must full embrace all that’s revealed in The 6 Fundamentals of Transformational Coaching™.


Because the 6 Fundamentals are fundamentals for a reason: they’re the crux of what distinguishes Elite Influencers from the rest.

They’re more than the bedrock of transformational influence and impact, they’re the essence by which it happens.

Is there more to what distinguishes Elite Influencers in the Coaching industry from 98.7% of Coaching practitioners than just The 6 Fundamentals of Transformational Coaching™?

Of course there is.

However, if you do nothing else but put these powerful methods to work, you’ll soon be recognised as a highly influential individual capable of impacting lives at a level few Coaches ever manage.

And the best news of all?

I’ve brought these methods all together in one carefully structured and easy to follow methodology.

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9 Deadly Sins of a
New Coach™


Want to all but guarantee your success when you enter the Coaching profession?

Want to avoid paying the ultimate price for the costly errors, proven pitfalls, and fatal mistakes made by the vast majority of Coaches?

Then take his priceless opportunity to draw from three decades of experience in the Coaching industry.

In just under 50 minutes of pure gold, I share everything I wish I’d known when I started out all those years ago… lessons I’ve paid an eye-watering price at times to bring to you.

I’’ve made every mistake in the book – and I’ve been every version of Coach you can imagine

I’ve been:

You can’t put a price on leveraging the experience of those who’ve gone before you… who’ve gone before you – and that’s why I created The 9 Deadly Sins of a New Coach™ in the first place – to give you the “unfair” advantage of gaining the wisdom from the lesson, without paying the price.

As Warren Buffet observed, “It’s good to learn from your mistakes. It’s better to learn from other people’s mistakes.”

9 Deadly Sins of a New Coach
9 Deadly Sins of a Typical Coach

9 Deadly Sins of a
Typical Coach™


For the established Coach, the same principle applies: the smartest strategy of all is to leverage the experience of those who’ve gone before you.

So what do the masters of transformation – the Elite Influencers of the Coaching profession –  do to earn their sage-like, go-to authority and expert status in the eyes, minds, hearts and wallets of the market
they serve?

And what are the major pitfalls they avoid to make it happen?

Once again, extracted from three decades of experience, it’s all revealed in just under 50 minutes of pure gold in this powerful
video Masterclass.

Not only that, this priceless teaching comes with a Success Implementation Guide™, packed from cover to cover with eye-opening Coaching techniques to ensure you put the invaluable lessons to work in your business and career straight away.

This proven framework delivers ultra-rare insight into how to avoid the costly – and often business and career fatal – mistakes keeping the vast majority of Coaches in struggle and mediocrity.

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7 Levels of Influence,
Impact & Income™


Those results of yours? They have ancestry. They’re effects of a
specific cause.

But here’s the thing: I can all but guarantee you don’t know the ultimate cause of those effects, because very few people do.

And guess what?

If you don’t know the ultimate cause of your results, any attempt to make tangible and substantial transformation STICK in any aspect of your life – including your business and career – becomes a matter of hope and/or guesswork.

Not a smart strategy by which to live, and yet we all live this way to varying degrees, until we’re lead to the astonishing revelations in The 7 Levels of Influence, Impact and Income™.

Yes, your life, your business and your career will NEVER outgrow the quality of thinking you’re bringing to them…

… but what matters most is ultimately what determines your quality of thinking.

The 7 Levels of Influence, Impact and Income™ reveals the ultimate cause and effect relationship creating every result in every part of your life.

Its eye-opening revelations graphically unpack the impact and income socio-economic pyramid of the Coaching industry and society itself.

Truly essential viewing – and a non-negotiable education for the individual destined to be a highly sought after Elite Influencer in the Coaching profession.

7 Levels of Influence, Impact & Income™
Why Coaching Is Fundamental In Challenging Times

Why Coaching is Fundamental in Challenging Times™


Coaching is the business of change. It’s one of the most challenging relationships and conversations your clients will ever have.

Consequently, your clients consistently face worry, fear and anxiety as they let go of their established norms and courageously embrace the unknowns of the life they want to live.

Your ability to lead them through these uncharted waters is crucial to their success – and relies heavily on two vital components:

1: How well you manage fear in the face of challenging times in
your own life.

2: Your understanding of why Coaching is so fundamental in
challenging times.

That’s why this footage of a one-time-only live Global Broadcast – shot exclusively in Costa Rica at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic – brings insight of incalculable measure as to why transformational Coaching is imperative to the mental health and wellbeing of us all.

Broadcast to a global audience of over 35,000 people studying 
The Simpson Method of Transformational Coaching™, this compelling teaching is dripping from start to finish with rich and deep insight – the kind only the small minority of Masters in this profession are aware of.

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Build the business to drive your legacy

The 4 Pillars of Entrepreneurial Mastery™️

Your Entrepreneurial Ability

If you’re to enjoy a long and richly rewarding career in the Coaching profession, you can’t afford to enter it doing what the vast majority of Coaches do – ignoring the necessary entrepreneurial skill and ability you must develop to build a healthy, thriving, profitable business, you can’t afford to enter this profession doing what the vast majority in this profession do, and ignore the necessary entrepreneurial qualities you must develop to build and grow a healthy, sustainable and profitable business.

There’s a very good reason why 82% of businesses in the Coaching industry fail within the first two years.

There’s also a very good reason for the diabolically low income levels most Coaching businesses experience even when trading in the most mature markets of the world where consumer demand for transformative Coaching is sky high.

If you already run a Coaching business, and it isn’t generating the kind of profits you’d like it to be, the problem isn’t your business.

It’s not your so-called competition, the overpopulated and noisy marketplace, meddling politicians, or the state of the economy either.

No, the problem is YOU and your THINKING.

Your business can never outgrow the quality of thinking you bring
to it
, yet the vast majority of business owners (not just Coaches) never make improving the quality of the thinking they bring to their business a priority.

That’s a grave error bringing dire consequences.

As you can witness for yourself by watching the brief video next to this message, The 4 Pillars of Entrepreneurial Mastery™ has had – and continues to have – a profound impact on the lives and businesses of the entrepreneurs who’ve wisely embraced the groundbreaking methods within them.

Revealing little known yet astonishingly powerful entrepreneurial success strategies – proven success principles the vast majority of business owners are oblivious to (and it shows – in their results)…

… this potent series of Masterclass videos and Coaching resources form a formidable, easy to follow and proven system you can put to work in your business straight away.

Your business cannot fall to grow substantially, sustainably and consistently as a consequence of the tried, tested and proven methods contained in The 4 Pillars of Entrepreneurial Mastery™.

There is nothing more powerful in entrepreneurial life than indisputable ideas that work – every time.

Simply click the button below, and I’ll ensure you have everything you need to put these unsurpassable success strategies to work almost immediately.

7-Figure Blueprint™

Your Entrepreneurial Ability

In 2009, after several highly profitable years, life dished out the toughest entrepreneurial lesson of all when my first Coaching business failed. 

It had nothing to do with the bottom falling out of the global economy at the time, or the dodgy US bankers who allegedly caused it. 

No, this devastating experience had everything to do with me and the quality of thinking I was bringing to the business.

I thought like a Coach rather than thinking like an entrepreneur who provides Coaching services and solutions to my market – and as I discovered in the most painful way possible, there’s a huge difference between the two.

Thinking like a practitioner not a profit-maker meant my business wasn’t fed by a consistent, repeatable and scalable client acquisition system… and consequently, I paid a hefty price for the vulnerability of my business.

A few months later, I sold the roof over my head and used 95% of the proceeds to secure the services of a 7-figure entrepreneur to teach me how to build a proper business.

7-Figure Blueprint™ is an exclusive recording of a two-day seminar, where I share the career-changing strategies, principles and methodologies shared by that 7-figure entrepreneur.

It reveals the astounding revelation that there are two kinds of marketing in the world, only one of which works for small businesses such as Coaching businesses.

The problem? The vast majority of the Coaching profession – and the vast majority of business owners in all sectors, for that matter – go about marketing their business in totally ineffectual ways which not only fails to acquire the right quality and quality of customers and profit, it costs the business money.

You won’t be one of them when you discover what the most commercially successful Coaches at the top of their profession do that is entirely different to the fruitless, “all noise but very little income” activities of their underachieving and often struggling counterparts.

Not only that, you’ll be led through a series of powerful techniques to bring you crystal clear clarity on:

Only a tiny percentage of Coaches have this kind of clarity and power in their messages, which is why you can’t put a price on the magnificent return on investment you’ll enjoy for the rest of your career from this two-day immersive experience.

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7-Figure Profit Secrets™

Your Entrepreneurial Ability

There are some unavoidable truths you must deal with if you’re to enjoy the rewards of running a successful Coaching business.

These truths are not drawn from theory, they’re founded in three decades of experience running a business in this profession.

That experience revealed:

Harsh realities leading to this irrefutable truth:

Your business won’t survive, let alone thrive, without a consistent, repeatable, scalable client acquisition system feeding it. 

And industry statistics reveal it won’t survive, let alone thrive, if you adopt conventional methods of marketing to feed your business.

7-Figure Profit Secrets™ delivers the most comprehensive education in highly profitable lead and client acquisition strategies for Coaches and business owners in all sectors.

Revealing how to maximize on both online and offline channels to market, 7-Figure Profit Secrets™ is crucial to scale the reach, influence, impact and income of your business.

And, as you’ll see from the testimonies of Coaches and business owners who’ve put this system to work in the video opposite, 7-Figure Profit Secrets™ brings a magnificent return on investment to all those who put it to work. 

Entrepreneurial Mastery Inner Circle

Entrepreneurial Mastery Inner Circle™ [Live Experience]

Your Entrepreneurial Ability

Regardless of sector, running your own business is tough. It’s also a lonely pursuit. 

Those who keep it that way are playing the dumbest game of all. Inevitably, they struggle on, only to fail.

As statistics reveal, there are few exceptions.

We all need help. We all need help with the thinking we’re bringing to our lives. We all need help in taking our thinking to new levels when facing the inevitable business challenges which come with growth.

The most crucial step of all is to ensure the help you seek is drawn from the right calibre of individual; those who have the proven experience and expertise to make it happen.

A business subjected entirely to the thinking of its owner is a business in trouble. The problem is, it’s not easy to find the right pedigree of expertise to help.

Highly skilled Coaches are rare – and don’t come cheap. The same applies to highly successful entrepreneurs who are willing to mentor others to success.

You need to part company with a substantial five-figure sum to hire expertise of this quality Then there’s the time you’d need to take to find them. 

All this before you even know if they’d be willing to work with you. These are highly sought after individuals with very full lives. They can pick and choose who they work with and when.

Entrepreneurial Mastery Inner Circle™ solves this problem. It was created because of it. 

Years ago I had a problem. Barely a day went by when I didn’t receive an email from a business owner asking to hire me as their Coach.

A nice problem to have – until you can’t service the need. 

So I created a unique vehicle by which every business owner can get frequent and regular access to me and my Coaching expertise for a fraction of the investment it would usually take.

It’s been a resounding success. And now it’s even better.

Because today, Entrepreneurial Mastery Inner Circle™ members also benefit from the direct mentorship of my hand-picked team of highly successful entrepreneurs who’ve built healthy six and seven figure businesses in an array of different sectors.

Every week they bring whatever business or personal challenge they need help with to a live, online Coaching and Mentoring event hosted by me or one of my team of entrepreneurial mentors.

Imagine what this would do for you and your business. And imagine what it will do for your earnings and quality of life.

All this before the instant up-levelling of your inner circle with a highly supportive community of like-minded, growth-orientated business owners just like you.

It’s unique, It’s unsurpassed. And you can’t put a price on its value.

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The Elite Coach Platinum PowerPack™

Your Entrepreneurial Ability

Imagine having at your fingertips a tried, tested and proven method to powerfully sell you and your services… without selling at all.

Imagine having an easy-to-apply process which educates, impacts and influences your potential client in a way they’ve never been influenced before.

Imagine having a simple, yet profoundly effective approach to instantly position yourself as THE go-to authority in the mind of your potential client.

Imagine never failing to convert a prospect – whether business or consumer – into a fee-paying client who is only too happy to pay whatever price you command.

Imagine having the means to out-position your so-called competition, to instantly distinguish yourself from every other Coach in this overpopulated profession.

Imagine having the proven toolkit of resources used by the Elite Influencers of this profession to thrill their clients with an outstanding Coaching experience from the moment you start working with your client.

And imagine having a proven roadmap to rise to the top of this industry, to be the sought-after, go-to authority and trusted sage in the eyes of the market you serve, enjoying a level of influence, impact and income the vast majority of Coaches will never know.

Well, imagine no more, because in The Elite Coach Platinum PowerPack™ you’ll discover the assets, strategies, tools and resources which have helped me:

I’m not sharing this to brag in any way, I’m simply saying there is nothing more powerful than tried, tested and proven resources which work every time.

The vast majority of Coaches are poor at selling their services. They’re even worse at distinguishing themselves from their counterparts by positioning themselves as an expert and authority.

You won’t be one of them once you put the assets and resources of The Elite Coach Platinum Powerpack™ to work in your business.

The Elite Mastermind™ [Live Experience]

Your Entrepreneurial Ability

The ultimate vehicle for outstanding entrepreneurial success is a Mastermind.

Not just any “mastermind”, however.

Most of the experiences described as a “mastermind” today are nothing of the sort, and subsequently offer a fraction of the value of true Mastermind.

The Elite Mastermind™ earns its title because it’s based on the true principles of a Mastermind set out by the steel baron Andrew Carnegie and immortalised by Napoleon Hill in his various publications.

Do your research, and you’ll discover the Mastermind process has been responsible for outstanding success in all fields of life.

In a carefully facilitated environment, a small, intimate group of individuals come together on a regular basis as thinking partners to collaborate on each other’s success.

They form a powerful and transformative alliance which leverages and elevates the collective wisdom of all concerned, propelling each member to a level of success they’d never have reached without it. 

Every noteworthy entrepreneur is in a Mastermind of this ilk. Branson, Gates, Buffet, Musk, Bezos – they’re all in one… as are a multitude of very successful entrepreneurs of less notoriety. 

An Elite Mastermind™ is a delicate “ecosystem”. The quality of the participant is vital to its success, and we go to great measures to protect the integrity of the process.

You don’t need to be a stunning entrepreneurial success today, but you DO need to own a business that’s generating enough cashflow to take care of your basic needs as well as make the necessary investment to accelerate your growth in The Elite Mastermind™.

Beyond that, the qualifying criteria focuses exclusively on certain qualities of character which are essential for successful participation in these powerful settings.

An Elite Mastermind™ consists of a series of structured learning experiences, from four summits a year at hand-picked, 5-star venues, to monthly accountability meetings and one-to-one Coaching or mentoring sessions with the Group leader.

Membership of an Elite Mastermind™ is £2500 per month (excluding VAT where applicable), and strictly by application only.  

The application process is as follows:

Step 1

Complete the application via the button below. Do give it the time and respect it deserves. This is one of the most important steps you’ll take in your career.  Any application that isn’t thoroughly completed will not be considered.

Step 2

Once submitted, your application will be reviewed by my team and I. If it meets the criteria, you’ll be contacted about the next stage. If it doesn’t, we’ll be in touch personally to explain why.

Step 3

If your application successfully navigates the initial screening, you’ll then have a consultation meeting with me or your specific Elite Mastermind™ Group Leader to explore suitability, fit and and your growth objectives in more detail.

Your reputation as an authentic, go-to authority

The 7 Steps to Success™

Your Personal Growth

“Just wanted you to know that with the application of your program my business doubled in 2014 (over 2m!)! The sincerest endorsement is that which works – your program works!

These are the words of Scott Aemisegger, President of Digital Plaza, Philadelphia. His words tell a familiar tale of return on investment for business owners who put what’s revealed in The 7 Steps to Success™ to work in their business and lives.

As the name suggests, The 7 Steps to Success™ is a step-by-step journey through the biggest and most far reaching principles which have, for generation upon generation, been the fundamentals behind outstanding entrepreneurial success.

Not only that, this is a system built on a tried, tested and proven process. A 47-page Coaching guide, packed from cover-to-cover with easy-to-follow implementation activities, ensures the profoundly powerful strategies unveiled in these Masterclasses are put to work in your business and personal life straight away.

For a complete overview of what makes this unique programme one of the most profoundly impactful experiences in self-transformation and self-actualization, click the button below.

Step 1

Bringing clarity to the unknown reality of your business and personal life is vital. We all lead busy, multifaceted lives with a multitude of distractions, and the danger of losing focus on the issues and activities which matter most is an ever-present and increasing threat to your personal and professional success.

Success cannot be built on chaos or disorder. Providing the all important foundation of clarity upon which all other steps are built, Step 1 reveals a powerful diagnostic tool to ensure you never stray from the activities which matter most to your personal and professional success, and are the priority in terms of your growth objectives.

Step 2

Investors in The 7 Steps to Success™ cite the revelations within the contents of this second step as the most powerful information they’ve ever come across.

A lofty claim for sure, but entirely justified, given this Masterclass reveals how you’re creating your existing results – desired or not – and how you take control of the creative process to call forth the results you want rather than recreating results you want to change.

As T Harv Eker put it in Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, “If you want to change the fruits you have to change the roots” – this second step reveals to you everything you need to know to do precisely that.

Priceless insight that will reward you for the rest of your days.

Step 3

The third step builds on the extraordinary revelations of Step 2 to answer the question every successful entrepreneur has to answer:

What is the primary cause of my results?

Without an accurate answer to this question, how can you possibly expect to influence your results at the cause of them?

This step not only answers the question, it ensures you’re able to make any required modifications to the primary cause leading to the inevitable transformation in results.

Step 4

A life lived unaware of its purpose is a life greatly diminished. 

Defining and living your purpose is the hallmark of a truly successful and significant life.

This fourth step brings you a proven methodology by which you bring clarity to the biggest question of life most people never think into or answer in their lifetime.

There are many commonalities between highly successful people who create legacies of significance: having a clearly defined life purpose is one of them. 

Robert Byrne wisely observed, “The purpose of life is a life on purpose”. Harvard Business Review said, “Defining and living your purpose is where smart lives in the 21st century”
It doesn’t get more important, or more far reaching, than this fourth step.

Step 5

“Where there is no vision, the people perish”. The proverbial axiom speaks an incontrovertible truth we all ignore at our peril.

Without a clearly defined image of what success looks like for you, you can never know with certainty you’re focusing your talents and efforts on activities which are moving you towards your ideal outcome.

Your mind can’t create what it cannot see – and this fifth step guides you through a specific process by which you bring crystal clear clarity to your business and life that aligns and underpins your purpose and compels you to act in accordance with your entrepreneurial goals.

Step 6

The sixth step is a vitally important corrective measure to prevent you from thinking in reverse. 

Many business owners think in reverse, fixated by current performance, totally unaware of the consequence on the creative process by which they call forth their results.

You can’t afford to be one of them. You can’t afford to lack the awareness which distinguishes the qualitative thinking of the entrepreneurial elite from the habitual thinking of the herd.

We are all products of our environment, all products of someone else’s habitual way of thinking. There is no greater threat to your success.

Step 7

In the final, seventh step, you’ll discover a revolutionary way of approaching the successful attainment of your entrepreneurial and personal goals.

It’s no secret how clearly defined goals are fundamental to a successful life, yet very few people come to understand how goal setting and goal achievement are two very different aspects requiring two very different approaches within the overall objective of immaculately effective goal achievement.

Step 7 reveals all… and by the end of this Masterclass, you’ll be equipped to never unconsciously self-sabotage your goals ever again.

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Limitless™ - The Ultimate Personal Success Masterplan™

Your Personal Growth

There is much more to you than you know. This irrefutable truth applies to us all. The conditions and circumstances of your life today do not represent your capabilities or potential, they merely represent your current awareness of your capabilities and potential.

Awareness is everything. You cannot express potential you are not consciously aware of. 

Limitless by nature yet limited by nurture, research throughout the 20th century reveals we express just a fraction of our potential into our lives, not because we’re not capable, but because we are not taught and raised to know how to unlock the deep reservoirs within each and every one of us.

Limitless™  is a premium journey of self-transformation and mastery. Through a carefully structured, purposefully designed process, you’ll be guided through a series of powerful, on-demand Masterclasses, each with its own unique, Success Implementation Guide™ – packed to the hilt with Coaching techniques.

And that’s not all: to ensure these proven principles of each Masterclass are immediately put to work in your life and business, in between each Masterclass, you’ll join two hour live interactive Coaching sessions to collaborate with Christian and/or his team of fully accredited Elite Influencers.

For a brief overview and synopsis of this ground-breaking, flagship experience in profound self transformation, click the button below

One to One Transformational Coaching™

Your Personal Growth

Top performers in any walk of life work with a Coach. Yet very few Coaches are capable of bringing a truly transformational experience to the clients they serve.

You will never make a greater investment in yourself, your life or your future then a personal, one-to-one collaboration with a Coach.

Not just any Coach though.

No one in their right mind would knowingly put their life in the hands of an “average” surgeon – so why put your life in the hands of a typical, “average” Coach?

Given the magnitude of what’s at stake – your business and every aspect of the life it brings you – surely you’d want to work with the very best?

At the Conscious Coaching Academy™ we train the Elite Influencers of the Coaching industry.

Through our industry leading and award-winning accreditation, the only one of its kind in the Coaching profession, our Elite Coaches are held to rigorous standards to be the very best this industry will ever produce.

Hiring one of our accredited Elite Influencers begins with a simple application process. We’ll then review your application for suitability, before we get back in touch to discuss the next stage.

One To One

Your reputation as an authentic, go-to authority

The Iconic Coach

The Iconic Coach: Become an Expert in Transformation™

Live Experiences

If you are serious about enjoying an exceptional career in Coaching, then you can’t afford to miss out on this priceless opportunity to join Christian – live and in-person – as he leads you through the profoundly powerful, career-defining insights of the Coaching professions’ premier online training experience.

Exclusively for high achievers who aspire to make a profound difference to the lives of others as top-tier experts in transformation, with a thriving business and professional credential to prove it…

…  this unmissable training brings an ultra-rare opportunity to discover how you take your career to heights 98% of established Coaches will never know.

This Cutting Edge Training is For You if...

It is Not for You if...

To request a seat at the forthcoming training experience, click the button below.

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Entrepreneurial Elite Think Tank™

Live Experiences

The seminar that isn’t a seminar.

One room, an intimate setting of no more than fifty to a hundred growth-oriented, success-hungry entrepreneurs with a multitude of problems, challenges and growth pains to share…

… and at the front of the room stands one Coach, with transformational ability, interacting with each business owner within a Coaching exchange, elevating the quality of thinking he or she is bringing to the matter at hand.

It’s unique. It’s eye-opening. And very, very powerful… all because from every single interaction, everyone gets fed.

It’s not just in the direct interaction with the Coach where you unlock new, creative solutions to your most pressing problems…

… you discover creative solutions to problems and challenges you don’t even know you’ve got yet through the lens of observing the interaction between the Coach and other business owners discussing their most pressing challenges.

The outcome?

Dramatically accelerated growth.

And there’s more: because in this unique, intimate setting where every participant witnesses lives and businesses being genuinely transformed before their very eyes…

… powerful connections and conversations take place that history has shown lead to all kinds of highly rewarding and fruitful opportunities through mutual collaborations.

To gain some insight into this profoundly impactful, one-of-a-kind experience, watch the video next to this narrative.

Then join the VIP Waiting List by pre-registering for the next event below.

Limitless Ultimate
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Limitless LIVE! - The Ultimate Personal Success Seminar Experience

Live Experiences

It’s a strikingly bold claim, but it’s one built on decades of evidence.

Taught and drawn from some of the greatest thinkers of each generation, Limitless LIVE! is a two-day immersion into the most potent, proven and powerful strategies for self-transformation known to mankind.

No one leaves Limitless LIVE! as they arrived. No one.

Unlike other seminars, this transformation sticks, because this experience isn’t about information and knowledge, it’s about self-awareness.

You are limitless by nature, yet you are limited by nurture.

And unless you are willing to undo the damage… to unlearn the deep-seated, habitual ways of thinking that keep you stuck in a rut, to free yourself of the invisible chains by which you recreate results you so desperately want change…

… nothing can change.

LimitLess LIVE! is where everything changes… because results are effects, and in true 80/20 fashion, you’re spending two days immersed in where it matters most…

… two days immersed in where most business owners and entrepreneurs never go…

… two days influencing the cause of ALL your effects.

Join the VIP Waiting List by pre-registering for the next event below.

9 Deadly Sins of a New Coach

9 Deadly Sins of a
New Coach™


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9 Deadly Sins of a Typical Coach™

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