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You’re Just One Book Away From Taking Your Career in The Coaching Industry to Heights Previously Unimaginable

Here’s How We Use Short Books to Acquire New Customers at Scale and Rapidly Turn Them Into Premium Clients

From: Christian Simpson
Worcestershire, England

If you run your own Coaching business, and the idea of a career resigned to the mediocrity of this over-populated profession is as unacceptable to you as it is unthinkable …

… your day has just got infinitely better.

Because my forthcoming book, The 9 Deadly Sins of a Typical Coach™, will be the most important book you’ll read in your career.


Because you and I both know being a Coach is one thing… but running a successful, scalable Coaching business is entirely another.

This is why the Coaching industry has one of the highest failure rates of all business sectors.

It also explains why income levels for the vast majority of Coaching businesses – even in the most mature economies – are woefully low.

It also reveals why, truth be told, you’re still reading this message – because your career in this industry to date hasn’t matched up to your aspirations.

The good news is… it’s NOT your fault

Although it is your responsibility to fix it and close the gap.

The only reason your results are typical of this industry is because you go about your business in a similar vein to how every other Coach getting your kind of results goes about their business.

And the only reason you do that is because, like the vast majority of well-intentioned, ambitious Coaches who long to make a bigger and better impact than they are…

… you know no different – because no one has led you to the awareness of how to make it happen.

And that’s why I wrote The 9 Deadly Sins of a Typical Coach™.

It draws on three decades of the most diverse entrepreneurial experience this profession can offer – from the depths of struggle and business failure as a Coach…

… to the heights of a 7-figure Coaching business impacting thousands of lives in more than 170 countries.

The book details how to avoid the costly errors keeping the overwhelming majority of Coaching professionals struggling and playing small.

It reveals how you distinguish yourself in the eyes of today’s increasingly apathetic, cynical and mistrusting consumer from every other Tom, Dick and Harriet offering Coaching as a service.

And it shares an unparalleled, step-by-step, proven methodology to ultimate influence, impact and market domination.

However… this goes beyond just being a “highly successful Coach”

Because in the pages of this easy-to-read book, I disclose how you rise to the top of this profession by shifting from being “typical” to “exceptional” in the eyes, minds, hearts and wallets of the audience you feel compelled to serve.

And with the simple, elegant and powerful process within the short chapters, this book will reveal how you join the ranks of sought-after, revered Elite Influencers positioned with sage-like authority to enjoy far greater reach, influence, impact and income than the rest of our profession believe possible.

It’s not a small promise, so before you go ahead and pre- order here’s what you need to know

First of all, none of this is hyperbole.

Everything in this book is simple, proven and as practical as it gets.

There’s no fluff or filler – just plain, simple and straight-forward language about battle-tested principles and strategies drawn from telling, real-life experience in this industry.

It’s also succinct: so you can read the book in an hour or two. And that’s important, because this is a book you’ll want to return to time and time again.

It also includes simple yet highly revealing self-assessment exercises, and invaluable Coaching resources to put the ideas it shares to work.

And on that note… this book is NOT for every Coach

Yes, the title says “typical Coach”, however, this book is for the Coach who is everything but typical.

Because this is NOT about the Coach you’ve been, and it’s NOT about where your Coaching business and career stand today.

It is about what you choose for you, your Coaching business and your career from now on.

I know – from bitter, personal experience – what it’s like to have a business and career which doesn’t reflect your unique ability and the value you bring to market.

Which is exactly what compelled me to write a book about how to AVOID the pitfalls of a typical Coach in the first place.

And despite having trained, taught and mentored well in excess of 40,000 people to the highest standards in this industry, I’ve never revealed these methods anywhere else.

You’ll only find them in The 9 Deadly Sins of a Typical Coach.

Pre-Order The 9 Deadly Sins of a Typical Coach™ + All 8 Priceless gifts

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incl. immediate access to the exclusive
Video Masterclass of the Book!

You’ll receive The 9 Deadly Sins of a Typical Coach digital book, the MOBI file for your e-reader or tablet, and all of the included gifts.

Here's a quick look at what you'll discover when you get your digital copy of The 9 Deadly Sins of a Typical Coach™

Deadly Sins Of A Typical Coach

Your pre-order of The 9 Deadly Sins of a Typical Coach™ is just £4.99…

… and best of all, while you’re waiting for me to polish-off the written media, you’ll have immediate access to all 8 Priceless gifts, including the special video Masterclass I recorded of many of the book’s “golden nuggets”, so you can put them to work straight away.

And there’s more...

On the following page, you can add some extra resources to your pre-order to put what’s revealed in The 9 Deadly Sins of a Typical Coach™ to work as quickly and as simply as possible.

This is entirely optional and, as I’m sure you’ve seen by now, The 9 Deadly Sins of a Typical Coach™ has everything you need (and then some!) to avoid the costly and often fatal pitfalls and put your career on a trajectory to far greater reach, influence, impact and income.

Your download today also includes ALL 8 gifts, including the special video Masterclass, and it’ll be delivered to your inbox almost immediately so you can discover the power of these methods straight away.

And, of course, as soon as it’s released, your digital copy of the book will follow.

Now, I’m acutely aware all this priceless information coming your way might appear to be overwhelming.

Have no such concerns.

I’ve gone to great lengths to structure it in a simple, easy-to-digest way so you can immediately grasp and put the principles to work.

In a nutshell, The 9 Deadly Sins of a Typical Coach™ is about working far smarter – not harder or longer in your career from now on, and I’ve made it my business to ensure you have everything you need to do precisely that without outside help.

This is why I’ve included the 8 Priceless Gifts to complement what you’ll discover inside The 9 Deadly Sins of a Typical Coach™.

It’s a compilation of the most relevant resources in my deep vault (as are the optional resources) and all together they’d justify a considerable sum if you were to invest in them separately.

Why am I doing this?

Three reasons, all inextricably entwined…


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The 9 Deadly Sins of a Typical Coach™ - Special Video Masterclass -

Join me as I lead you through the essence of each of the principles revealed in the book, detailing those “sins”, and sharing what the Elite Influencers of the Coaching profession do to earn their sage-like, go-to authority and expert status in the eyes, minds, hearts and wallets of the market they serve.

Yes, of course, there’s so much more in the book coming your way (otherwise the fifty minutes of gold I bring you here would be at least three times the length)…

Deadly Sins of a Typical Coach Special

… however, while I’m bringing the final touches to the book, I didn’t want to delay you benefiting from this series of profoundly powerful and proven shifts in how you perceive your business and career… so you can start to put it to work – to great effect – immediately.

Yours, With No Further Financial Investment Required, When You Pre-Order Your Digital Copy of The 9 Deadly Sins of a Typical Coach™ for just £4.99


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The 9 Deadly Sins of a Typical Coach™ Self-Assessment Scorecard & Success Implementation Guide

The performance gap in life is the void between what we know and what we do.

As a Coach, you’ll understand that intellectual comprehension of the powerful ideas revealed in The 9 Deadly Sins of a Typical Coach™ is not enough to change the habitual ways you think and act into the creation of the current conditions and circumstances of your business and life.

We both know nothing can change in those conditions and circumstances unless the belief systems sponsoring them are made conscious and modified accordingly.

Deadly Sins of a Typical Coach Special

… however, while I’m bringing the final touches to the book, I didn’t want to delay you benefiting from this series of profoundly powerful and proven shifts in how you perceive your business and career… so you can start to put it to work – to great effect – immediately.

Yours, With No Further Financial Investment Required, When You Pre-Order Your Digital Copy of The 9 Deadly Sins of a Typical Coach™ for just £4.99


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The Coaching Industry Laid Bare™

First the good news: according to market analysis, the demand for Coaching is set to grow exponentially in the next decade, in the same manner it did in the previous decade.

However, all is not quite as “rosy” as it seems. The reality of the Coaching industry is not what appears to be at first glance – and even the vast majority of established practitioners are oblivious to the facts. 

The Coaching Industry Laid Bare

You can’t afford to be one of them. Not if you’re to take advantage. It stands to logic that to rise to the top of any profession, you must be in tune with its’ commercial realities. Only then can the threats be identified and managed, and opportunities seen and seized.

This succinct yet revealing report reveals some of the alarming statistics at play in the Coaching industry, drawn from detailed industry analysis and sector research.

Instantly available to you – at no extra charge – when you pre-order
The 9 Deadly Sins of a Typical Coach™ for just £4.99

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