Today I’m writing from unfamiliar territory.

Pleasant, purposefully created – and a product of substantial expense – it won’t be unfamiliar for long.

To give you some context, just six months ago, the space I’m now sitting in was the store room above our garage 9.

As you’ll see, at the time we’d just had the velux windows put in… which was the start of the journey of transformation to the unique space I’m writing to you from now.

It now looks like this (click here)

Same space, very different purpose.

There’s quite a story to this project – and countless lessons – the first of which is easily the most obvious: environment, creativity and productivity are inseparable. 

In the nature vs nurture debate, environment is more important than heredity.

Since moving to our current home in March 2021, I’ve run my business from a humble back bedroom… somewhat of a comedown from the far-bigger, fitted, purpose-built office I had constructed in the top floor back bedroom of the old, 245 year old farmhouse we used to live in.

And, despite all that’s been achieved since March 2021… such as bringing an industry-defining, award-winning proposition to the world in the Conscious Coaching Academy™ – and all it entailed – including launching and delivering it to Founding Members in a way that exceeded their expectations…

… and creating four lead generation/client acquisition funnels to feed it and every other product and service my team and I provide to entrepreneurial Coaches and business owners…

… unquestionably my creativity and productivity has suffered.

That’s why the investment in this space – as much as it’s taken its pound of flesh in time, money and energy (and decent dose of hassle and headaches to boot), it’s all been well spent…

… because you can’t help but become more creative, effective and focused in an environment like this.

How the mind is fed shapes the life that’s led… and make no mistake, this great truth applies as much to the environment in which you put yourself as it does the people in it.

Recently I shared a great piece of wisdom with the entrepreneurs and top-tier Elite Influencers in my community… 

… a piece of wisdom I caught when observing the recording of a seminar held many years ago by a great mentor of mine…

… a piece of wisdom which applies to your business and career as much as it does to mine.

That wisdom states, quite simply, that there’s a season to sow and a season to reap…

…  but you don’t do both in the same season.

A truth which is not only evident by what I’ve witnessed in my office, but also what I witness through my office window which overlooks a farmers’ field in the stunning rural valley Anna and I have chosen to make our home in England.

I also experienced the unpleasant consequences of putting this truth to the best by foolishly attempting to sow and reap in the same season when creating the award-winning curriculum of resources at the Conscious Coaching Academy™…

while simultaneously serving our Founding Members at the same time.

Not a smart move. Not in this instance. Not with something of this magnitude. It nearly wiped me out.

In many ways I’d done an enormous amount of sowing. The Conscious Coaching Academy™ was twenty years in the making… yet there was still plenty of sowing to be done as I started to reap.

In the interests of time, I’ll share the specifics in another article, for now:

  • Take a look at your life today: where are you sowing and reaping?
  • Where are you sowing in your business life, and what are you expecting to harvest as a consequence?
  • When you’ve put some serious thought into that profitable line of enquiry, then do the same for your personal life.
  • And when you’ve done both, what do your findings reveal to you about any discrepancy between the input and output?

Mark my words, your reward for engaging the above questions will be far greater than you can imagine.



P.S. Remember, if you’re serious about enjoying a richly rewarding, deeply fulfilling and highly lucrative career in the Coaching profession, and you’re ready to explore how to make it happen, here are three ways I can help:

1: Watch Elite Influencer, Elite Impact™.

Go to the footer of this post and register for almost instant access.

Elite Influencer, Elite Impact™ is a profoundly powerful, 50-minute masterclass which not only reveals how the very best in this profession enjoy careers of far more influence, far more impact and far more income, it also reveals what you need to know to make it happen in your career.

It’s free to access, and no, there is no “sales pitch” coming your way. Just the eye-opening insight most of this profession will never know, the industry leading, award-winning methodology behind the Elite Influencers of the Coaching profession, and the next step if you’re ready to explore if following in their footsteps is the right fit for you and your career aspirations.

2: Join me live in The Iconic Coach: Become a Highly Sought After Expert in Transformation™

A priceless, unmissable career-defining event awaits you in this one-of-a-kind, globally acclaimed online training experience. 

Discover everything this extraordinary session contains, and join the pre-registration list by clicking this link.

3: Have the Deeper Conversation

If you’re ready to explore the fit between your aspirations and our unique, award winning methodology, let’s have the deeper conversation about you, your career and your future in a personal, one-to-one consultation. 

Find out more by clicking here.