The hard-of-thinking are descending fast into the unthinking.

And critical thinkers are increasingly marginalised.

I’m enough of a conspiracy theorist (the label now weaponised so effectively to associate critical thinkers who have the bare-faced audacity to question what the powers-that-be don’t want questioned) to believe there’s an insidious agenda at play from those pulling every string of puppetry at work in our society.

That agenda?

To dumb us down at a frighteningly alarming pace.

And my God is it working. The evidence is overwhelming.

For what purpose, this insidious agenda?

One word: control.

Make the masses far less intelligent, far more docile, with an ever depreciating attention span – programmed into a psychological paralysis by the likes of mind-numbing content in short-form video format – and what have you got?

Even less thinking (there’s hardly an abundance of it going on already), far fewer voices of dissent, and an ever-increasing mass conformity to the malevolent agenda of those who view humanity as an expendable commodity to harvest.

Make no mistake, there are powers that want you increasingly stupefied. 


Not if you stop living with eyes wide shut.

With the ascension of artificial intelligence accelerating the decline of organic intelligence, we’re witnessing a reverse evolution.

And the unlikely hero pushing back against the insidious agenda?

The real (???????? operative word) Coach of the world (and by “real”, I mean appropriately trained, appropriately qualified and consequently fit-for-purpose).


Because real Coaching is the antidote to the insidious agenda.

It causes thinking. It raises consciousness in a world where, for certain forces with immense power, the very opposite is the aim.

For the real Coach’s out there – the rarities who do it right and continue to nurture their transformative ability week-in, week-out like the best in the profession we produce at the Conscious Coaching Academy™…

… make no mistake, the contribution of your work goes far beyond what you currently imagine.

It is, in no uncertain terms, humanity’s salvation.



P.S. Remember, if you’re serious about enjoying a richly rewarding, deeply fulfilling and highly lucrative career in the Coaching profession, and you’re ready to explore how to make it happen, here are three ways I can help:

1: Watch Elite Influencer, Elite Impact™.

Go to the footer of this post and register for almost instant access.

Elite Influencer, Elite Impact™ is a profoundly powerful, 50-minute masterclass which not only reveals how the very best in this profession enjoy careers of far more influence, far more impact and far more income, it also reveals what you need to know to make it happen in your career.

It’s free to access, and no, there is no “sales pitch” coming your way. Just the eye-opening insight most of this profession will never know, the industry leading, award-winning methodology behind the Elite Influencers of the Coaching profession, and the next step if you’re ready to explore if following in their footsteps is the right fit for you and your career aspirations.

2: Join me live in The Iconic Coach: Become a Highly Sought After Expert in Transformation™

A priceless, unmissable career-defining event awaits you in this one-of-a-kind, globally acclaimed online training experience. 

Discover everything this extraordinary session contains, and join the pre-registration list by clicking this link.

3: Have the Deeper Conversation

If you’re ready to explore the fit between your aspirations and our unique, award winning methodology, let’s have the deeper conversation about you, your career and your future in a personal, one-to-one consultation. 

Find out more by clicking here.