I knew it as a child.

A deep sense of knowing.

I’ve spoken about it many times since, though oddly, having written what must be fast approaching 10,000 or more email broadcasts since 2012 when I began communicating on an almost daily basis with followers of my work…

… I can’t recall writing directly on the topic.

What I witnessed on the big screen early this week has been my truth for decades.

Anna and I went to see Avatar: The Way of the Water.

The first film, of course, is legendary.

I did write about it at the time, specifically the three levels of consciousness viewing it.

The most unconscious of the three will see it as a sci-fi movie. They were entertained by it.

The more awakened saw it as an environmental statement: a calling for humanity to recognise its wanton destruction of the planet sustaining it – and to end the insanity.

They were educated by it.

And the most conscious of all?

They were reminded by it. And liberated…

… recognising it for what it truly is: a movie revealing a spiritual truth we still resist at all costs: that we are at one with all things…

… that there is a sponsoring consciousness from which all things spring and unto which all things return…

… and that there is no separation.

In that, this movie is a merciless mirror, exposing the degree of unconsciousness by which humanity lives.

Sadly, the vast majority of our species won’t grasp what James Cameron’s extraordinary story reveals to us about us.

Our inherent darkness and light. Our alpha and our omega.

We’re too busy dancing to the tune of long-outdated, archaic and consciously-retarded theologies which teach separation and perpetuate the insanity it sponsors.

I’m certain, but have no evidence to substantiate the claim, that the concept of Avatar was fed, if not wholly conceived, by James Cameron as a consequence of Neal Donald Walshe’s Conversations With God series, particularly the third books’ focus on Highly Evolved Beings (HEB’s), living, thankfully, far beyond the reach of our current gaze.

Only Mr. Cameron himself will know the answer to that.

I’d love to look the man in the eye, shake his hand, thank him and give him a hearty hug for what he’s evidently seeking to do by the Avatar franchise.

Which is?

Raising the collective consciousness of a species so desperately in need of it.

In that, Mr. Cameron’s work and mine meet and entwine.

So what is that truth I felt so deeply as a young child?

What is that truth which, when watching The Way of the Water on Wednesday evening, had me weep?

Anna, at my side, didn’t notice.

Understandably so too, given how enthralling the visual masterpiece and gripping story was –  an all-consuming assault on the senses which nurtures an awakened viewer at a deep, deep level.

Wept, still, I did.

I wept at seeing, in all its glory, a truth I’ve felt in every fibre of my being since I was a young child.

That truth being?

That the real God’s of this world – the creatures amongst us of highest consciousness – the most evolved beings occupying this beautiful blue planet of ours…

… are the giants who move with grace through our oceans.

They are the angels amongst us, and, just as depicted in The Way of the Water, in the unconsciousness which denies us the understanding of ourselves…

… we have no true understanding of them.

Hence why we have, and continue to, violate them…

… just as we violate all things we have no understanding of our oneness with – including our own species.

Inevitably there will be those who mock this message.

There will be those who instantly dismiss it as fantasy.

In both cases they reveal the unconsciousness which Cameron’s masterpiece will forever more stand to enlighten.

Let the sleepwalk. They know no better. Not yet, anyway.

I encourage you to watch The Way of the Water with more than your physical eyes open.

Open your inner eye of understanding.

Don’t just open your mind, open your heart…

… because I promise you, if you do, it will feed you at a level you’re rarely, if ever, fed…

… and you will feel your soul sing.



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