Back in the mid-90s I was a Field Sales Rep for Yellow Pages.

I loved my four years in the role. It was a tough gig. You were measured on everything – with hefty targets related to selling multiple products, all the way down to the amount of appointments you conducted a day.

If you lacked discipline, and you failed to develop that muscle fast, you’d not last long at YP.

That’s if you got in the first place. They had a tough recruitment process. It took me two attempts to succeed.

My first attempt, in 1991, failed. Why? I’d not earned enough.

I’d been selling office equipment door-to-door for a year for Pitney Bowes, and earned about ÂŁ23k at the time.

For a 21-year-old kid back in 1990-91, that wasn’t bad. But it wasn’t good enough for Pat Nichols.

I remember her name to this day because she was a tough old gal. In the role for years, you had to be on your “a-game” to last ten minutes with Pat.

Don’t get me wrong, she was a delightfully pleasant lady, warm too – but the no-nonsense, direct kind who’s seen every trick in the book.

There was no schmoozing Pat. Her office was a candidate’s graveyard, full of the proverbial bones of many-a-hopeful salesperson’s career.

Her job was to screen candidates before they met the Regional Sales Director – and she was superb at it.

“I like you, Christian. You have the talent and character. What you don’t have is the earnings we need to see. I need to know you’re hungry. Go away, earn ÂŁ35k, then come back”.

Three years later, I called Pat. I reminded her of the conversation and the challenge she set before me. And I told her I’d met and exceeded it every year since we’d met.

“Good! You better come in an see me then!” she replied, with trademark enthusiasm.

The rest, as they say, was history. 

As great as my four years at YP were, it brought an interesting, yet unintended consequence.

It made me scared witless of ever using the directory for any kind of manual trader – the roofers, builders and plumbers of the world.


Because I’d met so many rogue traders over the years. 

Sure, I’d met plenty of genuine traders too… but back then, for every real deal you’d meet, there’d be two or three cowboys.

And how I felt for those genuine, well trained, qualified and bona fide traders.

Their businesses suffered greatly – and unfairly – for the increasingly sordid reputation of their trade due to the antics of the blunderers and bodgers.

I doubt much has changed, although the public are far more savvy these days thanks to years of exposés in the media.

There’s a new kind of rogue trader in our midst today. 

One the media has yet to “cotton-on” too. 

They’re called coaches.

Like any sector experiencing exponential growth, the Coaching profession has attracted more than it’s fair share of chancers wanting easy money.

Just like the tradesman of my Yellow Pages years, there are some good ‘uns out there…

… but they’re increasingly few and far between in a market flooded by incompetents.

In fairness, unlike the unscrupulous bottom-feeders I met in my Yellow Pages years, plenty of incompetents in the Coaching profession are well-intentioned. 

Nevertheless, incompetent they are.

Many are untrained and unfit-for-purpose. Every man and his dog thinks he’s a “coach” these days. Just announce yourself as one and “job done”.

Except the “job” is done badly. Very badly.

Others are hardly trained. Two hours in a webinar for $7, or a free weekend workshop, or some other cheap ‘n’ nasty half measure, and they’re ready to change your world.


Plenty are poorly or inadequately trained: even with the glossy certificate hanging on their walls. I know of plenty of piss-poor horror shows with ICF approval.

That’s why I’ve never associated myself  – either individually or with my industry-leading, award winning Coach training organisation. 

I’ve seen too much, experienced too much, know too much and have witnessed too much over the years to know – regardless of how the organisation has positioned itself through the hyperbole of its marketing – it doesn’t represent this profession as well as it would have the world believe.

Then comes the ultimate charlatanism that is so rife in this profession, even in plenty of those who do have the personal and professional ethics to be appropriately trained and qualified.

They don’t walk their talk. They don’t invest in the very services they promote to their clients and expect them to invest in.

Many a so-called “coach” doesn’t have a “coach”.

And plenty who claim they do are not putting their money where their mouth – or their potential – is. More often than not, they’re in some kind of “quid pro quo” arrangement with another cheap ‘n’ desperate so-called “coach”.

Very few are willing to invest the kind of money in bettering themselves they expect their potential clients to invest in in their services.

Which is not only the most gross act of hypocrisy in this profession…

… it’s the ultimate dereliction of duty in the face of the number one responsibility of a Coach: to grow in consciousness so you can help others do the same.

What a stomach-churning act of arrogance it is to think you can help others live more consciously (and therefore more successfully) when you’re not willing to do it yourself.

And when it comes to business matters… well… then it gets even worse.

The amount of “coaches” out there claiming they can help business owners grow their business when their own is on its backside is, to put it mildly, astonishing.

And worse still, many are not even willing to get the help they need to put it right!

You couldn’t make it up if you tried.

Thankfully, you don’t find the “rogue traders” of the Coaching profession in my Entrepreneurial Mastery Inner Circle™ or Elite Masterminds™

By the very act alone, they’re demonstrating to life, and the market they serve, they’re the real deal – they walk their talk…

… investing time and money in becoming far better equipped as a person, as a Coach, and as an entrepreneur to call forth the life they aspire to.

Think about it.

Would you hire the Coach who is willing to spend eight hours a month being Coached and mentored (???????? two very different experiences) by one of the most successful Coaches and entrepreneurs in their industry?

Not only that, the same Coach also has direct mentorship from a hand-picked team of entrepreneurs who’ve built and run very successful high six and seven figure businesses in a host of other sectors?

And if that’s not enough, is consequently in a community of like-minded, growth-orientated, success-driven business owners and entrepreneurs who are equally committed to creating life and business on their own terms?

I bloody would. And I know plenty of business owners who do…

… because they know they’re not dealing with one of the many hypocrites and charlatans I’ve just mentioned.



P.S. Remember, if you’re serious about enjoying a richly rewarding, deeply fulfilling and highly lucrative career as an Elite Influencer in the Coaching profession, and you’re ready to explore how to make it happen, here are three ways I can help:

1: Watch Elite Influencer, Elite Impact™.

Go to the footer of this post and register for almost instant access.

Elite Influencer, Elite Impact™ is a profoundly powerful, 50-minute masterclass which not only reveals how the very best in this profession enjoy careers of far more influence, far more impact and far more income, it also reveals what you need to know to make it happen in your career.

It’s free to access, and no, there is no “sales pitch” coming your way. Just the eye-opening insight most of this profession will never know, the industry leading, award-winning methodology behind the Elite Influencers of the Coaching profession, and the next step if you’re ready to explore if following in their footsteps is the right fit for you and your career aspirations.

2: Join me live in The Iconic Coach: Become a Highly Sought After Expert in Transformation™

A priceless, unmissable career-defining event awaits you in this one-of-a-kind, globally acclaimed online training experience. 

Discover everything this extraordinary session contains, and join the pre-registration list by clicking this link.

3: Have the Deeper Conversation

If you’re ready to explore the fit between your aspirations and our unique, award winning methodology, let’s have the deeper conversation about you, your career and your future in a personal, one-to-one consultation. 

Find out more by clicking here.