The golden rule.

You know the one: do unto others as you would do unto yourself.

No argument on the merits of that one. I can’t claim to have always lived by it, but I can sleep well on my pillow knowing I’ve been on the right side of it 99.5% of the time.

It’s not the only “golden rule”. Not for me.

For example, in my line of business, I consider this a golden rule: don’t ask others to do what you’re not willing to do.

For instance, just a few days before writing this article, I made a ÂŁ22,000 investment in my business.

Whenever I share news like that with a coach or business owner who doesn’t invest in their business (and there are many), invariably I get the same old line (or similar): “Oh that’s easy for you Christian, you have the money”.

To which I then point out the error in their thinking: I have the money because I’m willing to invest in my business, not vice versa. 

I also point out that when I had no money at all, with two young children to feed and two mortgages to serve, I sold the roof over my head to invest in my business.

The ÂŁ25k of the ÂŁ30k I cleared from the transaction I then put in the hands of a 7-figure entrepreneur who taught me how to build a profitable business.

Believe me, given the financial situation I found myself in at the time, my finger hovered over the mouse for a minute or two before I clicked and sent those funds.

That cash would have taken the heat off for a while. And, of course, I had no guarantee I’d see a return. 

As a brief yet related aside: those who want guarantees in life reveal their lack of understanding of it and lack of desire for it. Life, by its very nature, cannot offer guarantees. To do so would thwart the entire purpose of this experience we call “life”.

More on that subject in another article, for now, here’s all you need to know: the ROI on that £25k?


We all want favourable, abundant outcomes. I understand that. So we should.

But the point is you can’t put a little bit in and pull a whole lot out.

Life doesn’t roll that way.

Whenever I hear someone say they don’t have the money to make a sizable investment in themselves, their business and their career…

… the problem is never the money.

Money can always be sourced.

No, the problem is their beliefs. They don’t trust themselves enough…

… because they don’t believe themselves worthy enough.

If they did, and the investment was important enough, they’d find the money.

Just like I did.

Selling the roof over your head – and moving to a one bedroom apartment a quarter of the size of the property you just sold – in order to invest in yourself and your business for medium to long term growth does seem a radical (if not extreme) idea to plenty of people.

Especially when you’re broke.

Most people wouldn’t do it.

People generally aren’t willing to invest in their business and career… not to anywhere near the degree they should…

… yet they expect both to deliver bigger and better returns.

They want big dollar outcomes from small dollar inputs.

And despite life serving up the experience to prove that’s not how it works – over and over and over again…

… for the vast majority, this particular penny never drops.

Take stock. 

  • What are your expectations of your business?
  • And what are you expecting to extract from it?

Now consider the financial investment you’ve been willing to put into it.

  • How proportionate are your expectations with your investment?
  • How do they correlate?
  • And what does your investment level reveal to you about you and the reality of your expectations?

If these lines of enquiry do not represent richly rewarding lines of enquiry to you and your business, I don’t know what does.

And if you’re not willing to give them the serious consideration they deserve, you might want to consider what your reluctance reveals to you about you as a business owner.

I like to play a straight card with people. Always have, always will.

Sometimes this makes me unpopular. Often it comes at a commercial cost.

But it always allows me to sleep well on my pillow.

Which brings me to this: if you can’t grasp how the quality of thinking you’re bringing to your business is playing out in its top and bottom line and the subsequent quality of life it brings you…

… and you’re unwilling to embrace truth at this level and, most importantly, do something about it…

… not only can I not help you (no one can until you’re willing to help yourself)…

… you, your business and your livelihood are in far more trouble than you know.

This incontrovertible truth applies to every business owner, in every business, in every sector. There are no exceptions.

And sadly, there are only a few exceptions who understand this great truth and actively embrace the solution to the ultimate challenge they must overcome to enjoy far greater success.



P.S. If you run your own business, and you’d love to get your hands on the tried, tested and proven methods by which thousands of business owners have transformed their lives and businesses, go to, and “The 4 Pillars of Entrepreneurial Mastery™” under the “Your Entrepreneurial Success” tab in “Resources”.

P.P.S. And remember, if you’re serious about enjoying a richly rewarding, deeply fulfilling and highly lucrative career in the Coaching profession, and you’re ready to explore how to make it happen, here are three ways I can help:

1: Watch Elite Influencer, Elite Impact™.

Go to the footer of this post and register for almost instant access.

Elite Influencer, Elite Impact™ is a profoundly powerful, 50-minute masterclass which not only reveals how the very best in this profession enjoy careers of far more influence, far more impact and far more income, it also reveals what you need to know to make it happen in your career.

It’s free to access, and no, there is no “sales pitch” coming your way. Just the eye-opening insight most of this profession will never know, the industry leading, award-winning methodology behind the Elite Influencers of the Coaching profession, and the next step if you’re ready to explore if following in their footsteps is the right fit for you and your career aspirations.

2: Join me live in The Iconic Coach: Become a Highly Sought After Expert in Transformation™

A priceless, unmissable career-defining event awaits you in this one-of-a-kind, globally acclaimed online training experience. 

Discover everything this extraordinary session contains, and join the pre-registration list by clicking this link.

3: Have the Deeper Conversation

If you’re ready to explore the fit between your aspirations and our unique, award winning methodology, let’s have the deeper conversation about you, your career and your future in a personal, one-to-one consultation. 

Find out more by clicking here.