There’s a Zen Proverb which goes like this:

“It takes a wise man to learn from his mistakes, but an even wiser man to learn from others.”

Oliver Wendell Holmes, the former Associate Justice of the US Supreme Court, put it this way: “Learn from the mistakes of others. You can’t live long enough to make them all yourself.”

The American business magnet, investor and philanthropist, Warren Buffet concurs.

His take?

“It’s good to learn from your mistakes. It’s better to learn from other people’s mistakes.”

But my favourite piece of wisdom on this vital topic came from the late ‘n’ great Jim Rohn – one of the most successful entrepreneurs of his generation.

He observed: “It’s important to learn from your mistakes, but it is BETTER to learn from other people’s mistakes, and it is BEST to learn from other people’s successes.”

Why my favourite?

Because Jim’s insight incorporates learning from success as much as it entails learning from failure.

My point in sharing this ageless wisdom from some of the most prominent thinkers of humanity (past and present) with you?

Merely to ask you this: where, in your life, are you drawing on the wisdom and experience of others who are further down the pavement than you?

Where are you drawing on the experience of individuals who have the kind of results you’d love to have?

A couple of years ago I was out on one of my weekly 5am Sunday morning bike rides up to the Wyre Forest.

It was a cold, pitch-black morning in early December. As usual, once the muscles were acclimatised, the body was just going through the motions and my mind was free to contemplate on all kinds of matters.

On that particular morning, I was thinking into what information I wish I’d had at my disposal when I first came into the Coaching profession.

By the end of the working week which followed it I’d written The 9 Deadly Sins of a New Coach™ – detailing the most important insights and wisdom coming from, at that time, twenty two years in the profession.

If only I’d have had what’s revealed in that Masterclass all those years ago… I’d have saved myself a plethora of hassle, headaches and sleepless nights, avoided the biggest kicking life can dish out to an entrepreneur (liquidation), saved myself a small financial fortune while simultaneously making myself a bigger one!

Within a week of writing The 9 Deadly Sins of a New Coach™, I’d written The 9 Deadly Sins of a Typical Coach™ for exactly the same reason for the Coach who’s further down the pavement than the new entrant, but making the same costly mistakes as every other Tom, Dick and Harriet in this profession.

Within six weeks of conceiving the idea on that dark, Sunday morning, I’d recorded and released both, and they continue to bring a priceless education on all those wise enough to understand the magnificent return on investment they bring.

Funny how the most powerful solutions to the most pressing needs often come when you’re not looking for them.

You can spend hours in the office thinking into the most difficult challenges – and as much as this is commendable (because most people don’t spend enough if any time thinking into their lives) – it’s often when the mind is distracted in the “nothingness” of some unrelated activity that the solution we seek makes itself known.



P.S. Remember, if you’re serious about enjoying a richly rewarding, deeply fulfilling and highly lucrative career in the Coaching profession, and you’re ready to explore how to make it happen, here are three ways I can help:

1: Watch Elite Influencer, Elite Impact™.

Go to the footer of this post and register for almost instant access.

Elite Influencer, Elite Impact™ is a profoundly powerful, 50-minute masterclass which not only reveals how the very best in this profession enjoy careers of far more influence, far more impact and far more income, it also reveals what you need to know to make it happen in your career.

It’s free to access, and no, there is no “sales pitch” coming your way. Just the eye-opening insight most of this profession will never know, the industry leading, award-winning methodology behind the Elite Influencers of the Coaching profession, and the next step if you’re ready to explore if following in their footsteps is the right fit for you and your career aspirations.

2: Join me live in The Iconic Coach: Become a Highly Sought After Expert in Transformation™

A priceless, unmissable career-defining event awaits you in this one-of-a-kind, globally acclaimed online training experience. 

Discover everything this extraordinary session contains, and join the pre-registration list by clicking this link.

3: Have the Deeper Conversation

If you’re ready to explore the fit between your aspirations and our unique, award winning methodology, let’s have the deeper conversation about you, your career and your future in a personal, one-to-one consultation. 

Find out more by clicking here.